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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. LoL its publised at february :O WTF UNDIG DEKARMA WEIRD! :P
  2. Oky i found this! http://weburbanist.com/2007/09/21/3-amazing-3d-street-artists-urban-graffiti-from-around-the-world/
  3. Its awesome :P I saw lot like these but forgot page =( Damn
  4. Interpido noobcake ;] Srv when will be launch ? Or it open already ? i dont have idea
  5. OMG I all time repeat IN MY OPINION WTF WRONG WITH U GUYS?!?!?!?! Now one GR kid write me like this ... And IDK ... CRY OR LAUGH ? xD Soz Fuma a little offtop for the quote from mitsakoss well ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL9cXdKkse4&feature=related We won Bronze here Now about history http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No._303_Polish_Fighter_Squadron Battle for England Polidh Fighter Squadron? Even hear'd of that ? Monte Cassino ? Polish Fighters fight there For USA Independence fight Kościuszko was general. In 2nd WAR Poland Alliance didnt help us but Poland still fight and never surrender. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Wizna Poland: 720 men (20 officers) Six 76 mm guns 42 MGs 2 URs Germany: 42,200 men 350 tanks 657 mortars, guns and grenade launchers Aircraft support I take it Fast from History Poland and now u see ... In sport also we are Volleyball gold in Europe... Soz Fuma for offtop but that's the truth ... And as i see in GR there's kid's like this one and Ventica gay ... i just said my opinion and start poland bla bla bla u suck and other bullsh1t :) If u guys wanna talk about this PM ME for MSN so we will talk!
  6. haha emo gay answered :O I dont say ur team suck just imo they dont have chance against USA ... AND ALSO I SAID I DONT WATCHING BASKETBALL U IDIOT! :O I was giving my opinion ... red better asshole GAY :O
  7. He talking abous (if im understand) on which lake colour he must entrance to get malaria etc
  8. I remember this is near Gludin xD You must go this gate which show way to Arena (near Gludin) and u should find it!
  9. Chucky is noob! xD Niemand zal kleverige dit ... ;] Btw mijn NL IS PRO!?! : P
  10. Chucky I hear'd when global warming has melted Greenland flood Belgium and Holland xD
  11. Well compare GR league (never hear'd about this) and NBA there is a big different and also i know USA have good players :P Anyway i dont watching Basketball xD Volleyball - Soccer! :P
  12. Bem-vindo ao que está acontecendo com você? Yeah xD Im PRO xD
  13. For real i never eat breakfast because I wake at 1PM xD
  14. Greece against USA ? IMO USA DESTROY GR ^^ When the match end's please inform me how its end xD
  15. Fucking Gandwalf with staff! xD Anyway GOOD JOB!!! :)) BTW YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!
  16. LoL Why +STR?! They need more dex for lethal and Patk is useless for dagger ...
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