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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. Well since i saw already topic's about ADENA i wanna ask you guys if u can send me some :P Im also collect for VIP account :) If u are so kind send me any amount of adena :P After i get My VIP all will be rewarded (heh idk how but i think about it) xD Also if u dont want just leave it! :) BB :)
  2. Exactly! I saw his all work and i cant explain with words my FEELINGS about this xD
  3. IF i good understand u want someone to pay you 100 Euro for better hosting ? And if u find someone (i dont think so =D) U will give him items what he want or GM ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | OMG! :O
  4. imo if u making some custom sets make them by LVL's u must buy 1st set then 2nd+pay more more more then 3rd set +pay more more more more or smht like this xD
  5. Welcome and remember next time do not double post!
  6. @Offtopic: MixMaster U care ? IM REBEL :O
  7. U cant be ... because u'r bandit ...! Interpol w8s ;P
  8. God Of War Ghost of Sparta But only on PSP =/
  9. i know there is one game about wrestling on PC but with other name and suckiest graphic xD
  10. Ye xD I also Love how they announce :P I Love SD vs RAW series because there u can play up to 6 players and its lots of fun! ^^
  11. Well This shop isnt cheap (iam looking on Polish payment) Anyway i dont really understand what u exactly want ? U want buy a game by cheaper price NEW in shop ? Use e-bay xD
  12. YOU B1tcH! I Lost 2:08 mins of my life :O =(
  13. i dont take point ... why should i QQ if i left srv already ? :O Pathetic :) I just said the truth :) Anyway im out!
  14. YYY + GM make price higher :P That's suck ... IMO if there is changing in GM shop like Price for items should be WIPE ... Imagine that Already lot PPL with full items +16 wpn and set+10 and now NEW players need farm more to get items ... THAT SUCK! /drama on
  15. The best is ... Draconic set + dynasty Bow :) Its look Fucking awesome + Valaks Circlet ^^
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