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About Thorsrath

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  1. :D best movie i have watched this year was Robin Hood :p thought it was pretty good mix out of humor and nice bloody battle :D
  2. favorite movies: american History X , Dawn of the Dead, 96 Hours, An American Haunting... (almost all Horror Movies), Saw, Friday 13th Favorite Actor: Liam Neeson, Mel Gibson, Edward Norton anyone that can suggest a few horror movies to me? looking for some more that i haven't watched :p
  3. voted for gta 2 still got money for kills in it and didn't have to do the missions to get but loads of money :D .but actually all parts were good. SA belongs also to one of my favorites but gta2 is still best for me :p. i am a retro gamer if noone has noticed :D
  4. Meridian 59 :D paid also most for playing it :D . There is no better MMo than Meridian 59 the mother of all 3d mmorpgs. pvp was best back then. Ultima Online also drained me just like Diablo :D . took heck of a long time to get a dreamflange for my mage in diablo :D
  5. my first game i played was from microsoft i believe ski.exe or how it was called :p after that diablo which i still remember that it cost a arm and a leg but my uncle bought it for himself and made me a copy of it :p and then ofcourse wolfenstein 3d but i only had the christmas version because back then i lived in germany and the real wolfenstein was confiscated :D , but now i own a real copy of all games i just mentioned :D
  6. Supernatural, Friends, Two and a Half Men, Scrubs, House of course and navi cis :D . Unfortunatly i don't get to watch them very often if then only in the morninigs on the weekend
  7. I am waiting for Starcraft 2 to finally be released and also like you for Diablo III ! I hope that it will be as good as the first diablo which i liked better than the second part :P (yeah i know i am weird there) but when its released i think i will have to send in a sick note to work to play all day :D
  8. best Games that kept me longest in front of the pc were Meridian 59 and Diablo 1 ;-) sometimes they still get me to play very long when ever i am in the retro mood :D
  9. Wilkommen ;-) or Welcome
  10. Welcome here ;-) or Mile widziany ;-) (hopefully i wrote it right and it means welcome if i remember right :p)
  11. welcome ;-) haven't seen such a nice introduction ever before :p
  12. hey, got a question for you out there that someone should be able to answer :D . Are there any fully working server files out there i don't care which version of habbo just that they are fully working and have all the furniture etc fro that version in it and working. is there such a thing? wouldbe really nice to know :p Grettings Thorsrath
  13. maybe we all can start then together again from lvl 1 on a server :p
  14. are these fully working server files? and where can i get the geodata for them?
  15. thx for the nice welcoming and yes i have the snakes and scorpions as pet ;-) i might make some pics and upload them here ;-) . hopefully the mailman brings me a package today and then i will have two bird spiders too :D
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