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Everything posted by NeLvek

  1. Feautures coming soon
  2. Im not the Admin WEB SITE www.l2greed.com BETA open today!!! This is a video from old l2pride!! the server is like this!
  3. JOINED!!!!! <-- MaVeRiCk
  4. +1 !! dagger never hits same dmg as archer or mage !! daggers should make 3k dmg standar
  5. awesome server :)) i was looking servers like that ! :)
  6. po dn mporo na dw
  7. server xp rate x666? tree 6?? facking satanism pfff you dont even know what is this sh1t
  8. youhou !! i join people!! i know you dont care but anyway! cya in game NeLvek :)
  9. If admin of this server is here i suggest him ! Make many places for pvps and events Capture the flag ! Sieges,! Good = defend - Evil = Attackers! i dont know just think dont make the server boring ! good luck !!! Im sicking waiting for open
  10. and why you cleaned this ? shoot head? this is the true for the server! Admin ban donators,people for no reason! i messed with sissy girls
  11. L2pride server hosted by colville the fake one guy! copied name from real Colville had this server that i was playing too! people got banned for stupid reasons! even i got banned because i had items without hack ! and proved everything! also he make ban ip because he dont cares about something ! moreover he scammed the l2 genesis,l2 finest packs for make his own server! he get information when server hosts from here! and then he copy everything! its unfair to ban people that donated for reason: many item!
  12. ok i join to check and i will decide if i play or no! i wont get facking dissapointed ! just leave your server without changes at mobs,drops rbs ! and no facking wipe! DO NOT TELL M AGAIN that i owned the server and we have to wipe
  13. l2 pride is better
  14. suzuki fx?
  15. I look a server with good community !!! balance !! good GM team ! people 100 ++! anyserver that is hosted on company !
  16. join us :D Its good server !
  17. NEW MID-RATE SERVER x75 INTERLUDE IS LIVE! **************** http://www.l2ips.com **************** SERVER START: 20-07-2011 Come Join Us For A Wonderful Experience! Game Rates: * XP/SP: 75x * Adena: 100x * Drop: 50x * Raid Boss Drop: 20x * Max SubClass: 3 * Spoil: 50x * Party XP/SP: 1x * Weight Limit: 50x Enchant rates: * Normal Enchant = 58% * Blessed Enchant = 65% * Crystal Enchant = 58% * Safe Enchant = +3 * Max Enchant = +16 Features: * Auto Registration. * Flame of Splendor Barakiel respawn is 6hours. * Buffer Buffs Duration:2 hours * Olympiad Heroes every week. * Fully Working Geodata and Pathnodes. * Auto TvT once every 3hours. * Automated low level PK protection. * Auto learn skills. * Buffer * GM Shop until B * Skill Enchanter * Augumenter * Wedding System. * Nobless Trader 65+. * Skill Enchanter. * .away / .back System. * Unique Server Protection. * PvP Name Color System. * Balanced Classes. * Class Manager. * Maximum number of buffs = 24 + 4 Divine Inspiration. * Maximum number of debuffs = 6. * Hero change every Monday at 12:00 PM EST. * Offline trading System. Site : http://www.l2ips.com/
  18. Here is a good mid server http://www.l2ips.com/?page_id=17 ! its x75 with 200 people on. Events.just wiped !
  19. http://www.l2ips.com/?page_id=17 ! Join its x75 with craft items!
  20. here you go interlude! with many votes! x75 http://www.l2ips.com/?page_id=17
  21. Hello..I'm giving a try ! I wont be dissapointed again! cya in game ! name GuardianAngel
  22. because server is boring! no people no fun!!! also i dont farm 9485349583 adena for 1 jewel!!pff anyway i sell archer items ! db +15 f,mj +15,b grade jewel +15 adena for items on other server or money
  23. x0a0x0a0ax0xaaxax! re file! ma kala twra.. ise sobaros? siga min sou empistefti to oplo t gia na t to kanis esu +! mia sto ekatomirio deuteron dn ginete auto p les pezi na ine ilithios! ilithios k na exi k halisha dn to nwmizw.polu akiro r file to topic
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