Go to Ivory tower and find the jar to mix the ingredients. Insert the ingredients:
10 moonstone shards 1 volcanic ash
And here is the trick.
You have to press 3rd degree. (You may use 2nd degree as well but with less outcome) If the next window appears instantly, then DO NOT mix the ingredients. Cancel and retry, until you get a very small delay of about 0.5 sec until the window appears after pressing 3rd degree. Repeat some times till you feel the difference. Hopefully if there is no lag it will take you 2-3 minutes to be 100% sure. If you sence the delay move forward to the next step and confirm the mix.
Repeat once more with the rest 10 moonstones and 1 volcanic ash. You now have 10 Moon dusts! Sufficient for 1 Lunargent with only 10 Moonstones instead of 100. Well using the same method, mix 10 Moon dusts and 1 quick silver..... on the 3rd degree again to get 5 lunargents instead of one. Just make sure you get this 0.5 sec delay after the 3rd degree. When you distinguish which is the instant open of the window and which is the delayed one.... Press Mix again and here you are. 5 Lunargents. Same applies for the 2nd degree but the outcome is less.
Sorry if it's already posted. Btw, worked on C4 server where i played, but they fixed it. ;<