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Everything posted by Killeroffline

  1. killik, check your PM, please.
  2. Thanks for help! :P
  3. Speak no, read - yes, understand - a little bit. :D Thanks for link, but I need sh1tload of posts to see it. Ok, nvm, that's server protection problem I guess... :<
  4. Oh, sorry. But if they move it then never mind, I hope. Server is: http://l2.theonline.ru/index.html It has same files as rpg-club. :)
  5. I need answer to one question. I found one really nice server and it would be nicer with bot, so I tried to launch it there, found IP, Protocol version and managed to login using L2.NET but when I try doing something with it (for example follow someone via bot settings) I get disconnected, does that mean this server have really good protection or am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  6. So, nobody knows? :-( EDIT: Fixed it m yself :D
  7. For example Pulin: DO PRINT_TEXT "Talking to Pulin" TARGET_NEAREST_NAME "Pulin" SLEEP 1000 TALK_TARGET SLEEP 1000 NPC_DIALOG "bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Quest" SLEEP 1000 NPC_DIALOG "bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Quest 621_EggDelivery" SLEEP 1000 NPC_DIALOG "bypass -h Quest 621_EggDelivery 31543-1.htm" SLEEP 1000 PRINT_TEXT "Done talking to Pulin" ITEM_COUNT BoiledEggs2 "7195" PRINT_TEXT "<&BoiledEggs2&>" I tried to change <&TARGET_ID&> with ID from npclist file, but doesn't work either
  8. So I got script for HS quest (tat jewellery rcp) so I start the script everything works but bot doesn't speak to npc just stands near Jeremy, when I speak to him manually everything works fine 'til next npc... Any tips? Server is L2j, btw.
  9. I wanted to ask if it's possible to create a script for "buffbot" for example you write him to pm pow and he buffs you with pow (just like in l2walker) Thanks in advance.
  10. http://7souls.mybrute.com/ Try it. It's my ad link, so you'll try to beat me! :D It's fuckin' addictive. ;D
  11. Impossible. Only you and ppl who did this trick ;>
  12. I played in server where this bug worked, two people with great wolves killed Glaki in ~10 mins... :)
  13. Works for me with zealot on tyrant. :)
  14. Thanks than
  15. Yes, I play @ l2j, so if he won't be party with me, he can heal me? Btw, thanks for help.
  16. Party Heal is not working. Any ideas? ^^
  17. I have a question. Maybe someone have a hellbound/gracia auto cp clicker, because acp is not working anymore. If you have please pm me or write it here. Thanks! :)
  18. It's easier way (to me). 1. Download FileEdit. 2. Open Obscene-e file from your system with file edit. You'll see something like this: http://www.ipix.lt/images/62199790.png 3. Delete the words you want to create your name with for example -beep-, shit and so on. 4. Simply save it and enjoy. This way you'll see "BAD" words in game too they won't be changed to -_-. Have fun. Also with this way you can make your own bad word list so you won't see bad words in L2. ^^ Sorry if it was already posted. Just delete it then. :) Oh, and btw, it works in all chronicles.
  19. It worked in 1 l2 off Hellbound. Great wolf with best gear and buffs has ~2.5k p atk. So that's not so much and when raids don't attack you it's easy to kill 'em. ;)
  20. Maybe.. But you talk like a shithead so I suggest you to go to school.. AGAIN!
  21. 2 words: Learn english.
  22. If you're enchanting with blessed scroll, then you can do auto enchant, but i think you're too stupid for that.
  23. Lol, really nice for steam users.
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