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Everything posted by Killeroffline

  1. www.lineageii.us if sumbody understand russian look :oops:
  2. ble neila pisi tu cia prota daiktu pridupinta :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: adminai matytu istrintu o sakai duxindami snigtu s grade ... pz krc tersies ir tiek jej butu krc dupinimas ant to servo taj nemanau kad nors 1nas zaidejas zaistu ant to serverio saziningai ... krc cia kazkas man neaisku ciuju prisigalvojaj ir tiek :wink:
  3. Fucked beyond admins :( :evil:
  4. thank u 4 ur time :) but bot is still not working :( i think the problem is not in token or in protocol version but true is still beyond my mind ^^
  5. Maxtor if u can do the token 4 me engine is here : http://rapidshare.de/files/9547544/Engine.dll.html Thx:) (sry 4 my bad english) :(
  6. Ok my server don`t disable it but it doesn`t work i dunno why :( Here is that server launcher It change engine.dll so help.htm don`t work i think plz someone help me ! :( www.beyondc3.visiems.lt patch : 1st u must install patch then install launcher But u can play game with l2.exe , launcher isn`t necessary .. :)
  7. my engine.dll is here : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UM6V1HMM help me some1 plz :(
  8. all stuff such as my warehouse, gk... and so on.. isn`t working too :(
  9. my engine.dll is : 2.18 MB (2,287,616 bytes) it`s bad yes ? :(
  10. i wanna try that maxtor hack but it don`t work to me i push help, push on all recipes push on ssD and Not enough materials :(( it is on bc3 server www.beyondc3.visiems.lt plz help me some1 :(
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