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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. hmmmm ...! Exo tin entiposi pos mporei kai na doulepsei vasi logikis.... ;) Omos ena 90 % meta to rr xanese kai po tis 2 omades (red-Blue) me apotelesma afou tous killareis kai kala olous dn perneis reward ^^ ...! So ?
  2. Btw It will not be realised for pc (only xbox ps3 as i can see ) Also San andreas it is not the name of the game ^^ Grant Theft Auto San Andreas {(Grant Theft Auto)} ----> Name of the Game {(San Andreas)}----->Name Of a Edition ^^ ...! For example Grant Theft Auto Liberty City Stories is not another1 game ^^ ...! Anyway Just to know ;)
  3. Thanks Man about this ...! It might Work for Sure ! Gredits? Did you make this? or you take it from somewhere else?( you have to give proper gredits ;) Thanks for Share
  4. Dld esi twra 8elis o Owner tou L2 Gold na s dosei ta Npc? I Mipos emeis na katsoume kai na ftiaksoume san tou L2 Gold pou kan ego prosopika dn 3erw kan ti chronicle einai ^^ ... Ps: alli fora ftiaxne sosta topic ean 8eleis na exeis tin analogi antimetopisi ...! Thanks
  5. Ok thanks gia to test kai gia to report fisika ..! Sto epomeno update me pio polla Npc 8a exo fixarei kai auto ..1 Thanks again gia ta kalas sa slogia etc ..!
  6. This is the Java code to do this ... ; http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28059.0
  7. astio itane auto ? WTF? Mallon perniese gia poli e3ipnos file mou...! Anyway Gl ...! Edit: Nai to eida..! Tespa Gl ..!
  8. esi pou to ekanes test? Mallon gia ti client/project to eftiakses ka8os ta credits einai dika s ...! Ps: Nomizw pos mporeis na doseis mia kaliteri e3igisi gia to ti akrivos einai auto to share etsi na ma8oune kai autoi pou dn 3eroune ^^
  9. well now i am sure that we have deferent revisios ^^ .... ( that is the main prob ) For me it works perfect ...! Check this 1 again http://www.4shared.com/document/Bv04b_pO/npcs_sql_2.html If problem remains send me PM so i can Help you Private :p !
  10. Well it is sth fresh i quess ...! Thanks for share keep working!
  11. Thanks Btw Man...! ;) Ok i am checking right now ... w8 ... ! I will edit in some minutes ^^ EDIT: Test this man http://www.4shared.com/document/fSecsAsC/npcs_sql.html
  12. Thanks Man..! Tou eriksa mia grigori matia kai exeis kanei kali douleia ;) 8a to sinistisw ^^
  13. I Had Vote for No ...! Well Lineage 2 Will never die....! Ofc the number of funs had decreased because of unbalnce + etc reasons (freya Sucks) but L2 Will Never DIE ...! There will we always Players for this Game...! I am 100 % about that ^^ ...! Maybe it will die in 20 years... ^^ That is my opinion
  14. LOL sto Hi 5 Title: Rush Impact Level: 83 (Titan 85) Class: Drednought, Duelist, Titan, Grand Khavatari, Maestro
  15. ;) OK ...! Thanks ...! Aplos lew kai ego ti ginete? Gt dn mporw na dw pios anevazei katevazei etc ^^ ...! Thanks
  16. Re pedia kapos pou exei privs mporei na m pei ti ginete me to karma m? kapios paizei mou fenete ex8es einai 3 dn 3erw apo pion kai smr pali 2 ??? Pios anevokatevazei?
  17. To kalitero einai auto pou dinoun se ola ta guide check : http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.5-200906111540/eclipse-SDK-3.5-win32.zip Apo to guide tou ExTrEmEDwarf ....! Dn exo dokimasei kanena allo alla pistevw pos dn iparxei kai logos me kaliptei pliros 100 %
  18. Hello Mxc ...! 8elw mia mikri voi8eia ean 3erei kapios ??? Enas filos mou 8elei na valei ston Server tou auto edo to Npc http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=80123.0 All Ok sosta perasmena kai molis pataei sto game Sto npc den tou dixnei html kai sto console tou dinei auto to error /home/m0fire/interlude/gameserver/data/scripts/custom/855_SubclassNpc/__init__.py Traceback (innermost last): File "__init__.py", line 716, in onFirstTalk File "__init__.py", line 97, in MainHtml File "__init__.py", line 386, in getsubsammount File "__init__.py", line 369, in getVar TypeError: getConnection(): 1st arg can't be coerced to long or boolean at org.python.core.Py.TypeError(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.throwError(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.throwBadArgError(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.throwError(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyMethod.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyInstance.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.python.pycode._.getVar$14(__init__.py:369) at org.python.pycode._pyx42.call_function(__init__.py) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyFunction.__cpyx42all__(Unknown Source) at org.python.pycode._pyx42.getsubsammount$15(__init__.py:386) at org.python.pycode._pyx42.call_function(__init__.py) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.pycode._pyx42.MainHtml$1(__init__.py:97) at org.python.pycode._pyx42.call_function(__init__.py) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.pycode._pyx42.onFirstTalk$28(__init__.py:716) at org.python.pycode._pyx42.call_function(__init__.py) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyMethod.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyObject._jcallexc(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyObject._jcall(Unknown Source) at org.python.proxies.main$Quest$39.onFirstTalk(Unknown Source) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.Quest.notifyFirstTalk(Quest.java:523) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance.onAction(L2NpcInstance.java:796) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.clientpackets.Action.runImpl(Action.java:105) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2GameClientPacket.java:90) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.run(L2GameClient.java:1123) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) Den exo idea apo int .... Se l2j freya to testara kai leitourgei kanonikotata ,...! Mipos 3erei kaneis ti paizei? Interlude opos eipa kai prin kai proj l2jfrozen
  19. nai file mou twra to eida ^^ ... to ekana edit kai soz ^^ !! Keep Sharing ... BTW aplos eixes ta files kai ta ekanes share opos eipes.. dn ta eftiakses etc .. anyway thanks for your work !!!
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