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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. fixed ! sorry for this hide ! all sended! link of the fb profile https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003867649155 0 friends and 600 + likes :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  2. Hello mxc members, I am here to show you a new way how to add many likes to your Photos/posts/comments free and legal ! Tested before some minutes and it really works perfect ! It doesnt need any work or personal effort ! Here is my fake profile that i made for tests and prooves that really works !!! IMPORTANT!!! But first let me explain you how this works ! You must make your profile accessible(public) from enyone , so people who is not your friend can like you! :D You must agree and allow an app in your your facebook account that will give you the access to this trick BUT at the same time you will agree that this app will manage your like's that means that automatically you become a slave and without your perminssion this app will auto-like others requests (like other's do for your reqyest's) ! Thats the bad point !!! But i have a solution about this ;) How to use it ? You will need 3 simple steps and your account must be registered with a birth date 18+ (actually i change my birth date to test it on my main account) 1) Go HERE AND CLICK ON ALLOW SUBSCRIBERS ( IN GREEN BUTTON ) Then go HERE and make your profile PUBLIC. 2) Go HERE and press "AutoLiker"(3rd button) Then press "Get Access Token Here" and allow this app on your facebook Then a new tab will be opened and you must take your token(access of use) code from it Check the image to see how and keep it copyed or just dont lose it :P! (the blue code on image is your token)... 3) Post/upload something (we will give the likes to this) on your facebook account 4) Now paste your token code (access of use) where it says "Access Token:" then it will show you 2 kind of auto-clickers ( my opinion is to use the first 1 is really easy on use ) how to use ? everything new that is posted from you on your facebook will be here and the only think you will have to do is just click "Auto Like" ( in our case there will be the text/comment that we post on 3rd step ;P ) this way you will not need to FIND any ID(the second1 works with ID's and it is a litle bit hard) Each time you use it it makes from 80-150 likes ! you can use it again and again till you reach the likes you want ! Now how to prevent you facebook from auto-likes ? It is really simple , all you have to do is to go here and block this app from your facebook ! Check the image to see how When you want to use it again allow this app again make the likes you want and when you finish block it again :P Thats it , hafe fun with it and dont forget to say that it works if you try it :) ! Thanks for reading !
  3. καλά τα πήγα εάν εξαιρέσω το Β4 ερώτημα που δεν έκανα αυτό με τα αντίθετα (σύνταξη πρότασης)! το θέμα της έκθεσης δεν ήταν ιδιαίτερα δύσκολο αλλά το κείμενο με δυσκόλεψε αρκετά !
  4. yeah , RandomDude is trusted ! also he had no reason to scam you :D (if you consider that his karma will be taken back from mods) he was just trying to help yOU !
  5. the best programm for this work ! Recommend it !
  6. Zake is looking for a page like this for more than 1 year ;) Good luck on selling it anyway
  7. it is an addon on your broswer ;) So it will work only for the broswer where it is installed !
  8. Hello MXC , Dont know if any1 already know this trick but i will post it here public :D ! You will need 3 , simple steps 1) Go here and install this addon on your broswer for Google Chrome ---> HERE for Firefox ---> HERE 2)Select a theme for HERE and press "+ Install with Stylish" 3)Restart you broswer and enjoy your new Facebook theme ! Hafe fun ! NeverMore An example:
  9. yes for sure i care about your knowleque ! ohh god bless him please! Since you are on this position , i can critisize whatever i want about you and say my opinion whenever i want ! Who crying ? from your reply's every1 can see how much pathetic you are :D
  10. actually i dont care , pathetic is you , every1 here can have his opinion! you answer like an idiot because Zake told his opinion about you ,so who is the pathetic now ? lol
  11. who cares about l2jforum ? here it is maxcheaters! also i saw about 2-3 shares related to java from him ! lol on the other hand on client section i saw amazing shares etc etc ...
  12. the best idea's for promotes/demotes i ever seen ! but you dont mention anything about g.mods
  13. what i almost hate is that when a normal user get a promote he stops sharing and making new stuff for the forum !
  14. βάλε [gr] tags από την στιγμή που είναι στα ελληνικά και επίσης έχει γεμίσει ο κόσμος με ηλίθια BLOG που γράφουν όλο μαλακίες για μαζέψουν visitors οπότε δν μου φαίνεται περίεργο να είναι και μαλακίες !
  15. 11.5 einai , LOL twra pios einai asxetos ?
  16. yeah you can have POWER , RESPECT and be a god like other mods , why you lose this opportunity?
  17. 170 U.S. dollars = 132.131199 Euros dont know, dont know if it worths !
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