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Everything posted by spawn123

  1. Xerw xerw..Einai se upgrades aytin tin epoxi kai mas exei vgalei tin panagia..alla kai to freehostia liwnei sto lag poles fores
  2. Gt an trexei to Lineage.exe tha paei Interlude me ti mia ;) Kapou edw mesa nomizw eixa dei C4 installer an ton vrw tha sou dosw link.
  3. Very nice share darky, but i would be pleased (and the others i think) if you could please edit your post with a list of the mods included! Thanks!
  4. Pistevw pos kai to http://110mb.com einai mia kali epilogi gia free host
  5. 2.5k??? School party? WTF, ti sxoleio einai, apo gipedo tous pirane? :P
  6. 25 GB.. Mporw na fantastw ti liwsimo efage to pc e? Pantws oso afora ta premium acc, otan pareis ena kolas..Exw ena filo pou exei 3 xexwrista gt apla se kapia fasi ta fortonei o liwmenos..
  7. Re pedia edw pou ta leme omws, o kathenas mporei na kanei ena search, i toulaxiston otan postarei (pou einai 90% sigouro) mporei na pei oti ekana search k den to vrika opos kanoun merikoi, kai ontws pratoun swsta pistevw.Pantws, an kai merikoi tous lene na kanoun search, pistevw pos tin apantisi pou gyrevoun, tin pernoun apo kapion alo edw mesa.Opote den yparxei logos na skotoneste ;)
  8. OMGGGGGGGGGGG! I was searching fot that a lot of time! tnx!
  9. Sorry guys, but what does this have to do with Lineage II General Discussion?
  10. Ok,as you want it..But in that case you could find more cooperative members..If that's ok to you, i don't have to say anything. btw,good luck with ur server's openings :P
  11. Evo means this : http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=3569.0
  12. Well, i didn't understand..You wanted members from the first week?LOl! To get members you have to wait..And be patient..
  13. Well, i knew other ways, i was just searching :P Another way is to change it from the db too :P but thnx for answering!
  14. Ok, i need help again ;) I need the lvlup command in C4 , i've tried all C5 commands(setlevel,setlvl) ktlp but nothing seems to work.
  15. On my way..If something comes up i ll edit the post :P EDIT: Ok,it's working.. But that's strange.. I 've tried it another time and there was e memory error.. who knows..
  16. I just wanted to know if anyone of you have a C4 datapack that is working with 256 mb RAM (i m sure i have seen again this) i just want it to remember the old times with some friends :P
  17. What thing you didn't understand? Just create a l2jdb database and then execute the database installer and everything will be in navicat when the install is finished!For a gm shop,global gk and a buffer you need to execute the sql files via navicat (right click on the l2jdb database => execute batch file) and replace the files in the data folder..
  18. E ok einai poly kalo ontws! Alla xwris na thelw na fanw kakos ;) ====> Lineage II Development English Section P.S: Fantastiki douleia k pali :D
  19. Ok guys relax.. Don't forget that sess is a moderator here..Whatever he has done, relax we can't laugth in front of his face..
  20. No, he wants a list of raids that he can take out with his clan ,not the clan members ^^
  21. I don't wanna double post, but thank you too!! //off topic BTW thelasthero your avatar sucks! //on topic I don't think there is a guide somewhere in here about adding 2 glows in one weapon!
  22. Ok tnx for testing! They are really nice! thanks for sharing darky! P.S: SOAD background music k etc :P
  23. Gia na ginei Greek omws.. Exei na faei edit to client...Ektos k an den ginoun edit ta descriptions...
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