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Everything posted by spawn123

  1. Vasika, prin kero imoun poromenos full, prepei na exw akoma ti diskografia tou :P
  2. Ela re Virousako, to g***ses to onoma!!Akoma de genithike to pedaki!Afiste ton Liam na to xarei, k vlepei gia name argotera :P
  3. OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! xo0a0oxao0xao0xao0xo0a0xoao0xa0oxao Gamatooooooooo! o0xa0oxa0ox0ao0oaxo0a Ela re thirio, Manson 4tw
  4. WTF? WHY are you doing this?This is A VERY VERY old post..You have -2 karma already..You wish for 3rd? Someone lock please, and soz for answering in such an old topic.
  5. Ap oti katalava einai me pay cards, an kai kapou eida se ena warez site kati analogo, k den edwsa simasia..Requirements tou game mipos xeroume?
  6. You will put those lines that lasthero gave you, into YOURS .dat files
  7. Also another thing that i 've seen.The version that i m using has a small "bug".. I add the line and then i have to press enter (to create an empty line) and then press save and encrypt.. Maybe that's your problem
  8. Prepei na exeis patched system, checkare Sto English Section sta Client Mods tha to vreis. BTW, checkares ta pm sou?
  9. Custom skills (einai ligo dyskolo): http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2433.0 Custom Duals: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=4984.0
  10. Lol ti sas aresei sta elinika re :P (kidding) Dopestarts inc - make a star
  11. Giati emena ayto pou leei o Virusakos mou kanei gia keylogger?
  12. Nai nato: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=5714.0
  13. Yeah ok with all you say..Have you thought that just because it is an INTERNET CAFE he cannot change hosts? The 98% of internet cafe's i know have those folders protected.
  14. That's the classic problem of interlude systems.. :/
  15. It has been posted again something like this here http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=5601.0 but as you see : • Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.
  16. Because i see everyday members of our forum asking for them i decided to make a topic with C4, C5 and Interlude patched systems, so i think the questions about them will decrease ;) Here you go: C4 Patched System http://rapidshare.com/files/37921496/C4_system.zip C5 Patched System http://rapidshare.com/files/28257342/C5_Patched_System_22-12-2006.7z Interlude Patched System http://rapidshare.com/files/30841260/Lineage_II_Chronicle_6_-_Interlude_System.rar If links are down, tell me to replace them! Have fun!
  17. Client use is illegal only..As for your second question all you have to do is to put your IP Adress inside "properties" files in the "config" folder of both login and gameserver where it says: ExternalIPAddress: "your WAN IP here" (you can find it here: www.whatismyip.com) InternalIPAddress: "your LAN IP here" (you can find it: start=>run then type "ipconfig") After that, open ports 2106,7777,9104 in your router, then edit the l2.ini file of the lineage 2 system folder, add your IP, and share it with your friends! (GR: K oti katalaves katalaves)
  18. pou telika vgike poly kalo, alla ypirxan kapia members
  19. E nai logika..Afou o server apo monos tou xrisimopiei 512 RAM gia na runnarei ^^ Kathe atomo trwei ena sygekrimeno pososto ap ti RAM..De thymame poso :P
  20. Tespa mi g**me to topic tou killer.Ola ta hosts ap ti stigmi pou einai free kala einai :P
  21. There are screens inside the rar file but take them here ^^ Zeus Neckle Rhea's Earring Heracle's Ring Crono's Earing Alcmene Ring
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