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Everything posted by madsmoo

  1. sry for double post... my browser bugged
  2. SERVER IS DEAD!!! 10 PPL ON stop spam in this post retard admin realize ur server failed
  3. SERVER IS DEAD!!! 10 PPL ON stop spam in this post retard admin realize ur server failed
  4. nice "you have to have a premium account to download the system folder" pay 9.95$ for 1 month ,,l,,(^_^),,l,, retard admin
  5. server looks cool for a pvp/farmish server i'll be there for sure
  6. jewel attribute = G4Y
  7. Translate everything to english pls!!! russian = retarded language
  8. server features looks Cool xD any specific time server gonna start? btw for max players remember to post multible places. like hopzone, topzone, top 100 lists and forums. ty
  10. server updater total fail.... server soo custom i dont wanna crash my entire l2 just to test this server.... dont make updators omfg upload system, systemtext, etc
  11. a really nice thing ppl like this guy should do is to put a fuking prefix so ppl like me dont waist their time reading all features and then find out its IL or so... put Prefix ffs
  12. true dat xD freya is better then H5 i would like to play on a server with these features gl with server
  13. hmm nice features but i cant connect... if its cause its not open yet then u should have put a special time into ur topic when it opens instead of just date
  14. lol just make warrior and enchant mage wep xD FAIL TRY
  15. instant pvp server (with an eternety of farm)
  16. server is fail.. 20 ppl on and everyone have full +25 i got pked 30 times in 20min while i was there... unbalanced classes (Soul Hound) (Daggers) it will take u about 20days to get ur char done gl
  17. add prefix or write client somewhere
  18. lol i send 1 comment like this and u call it spam... learn how to add prefix u idiot noob admin
  19. pff i server is Interlude = Fail... first fail with website for like 2 days.... then i see its interlude. interlude is the biggest fail client ever... its sooooooo boaring in IL and only S-grade gear ps add prefix so other guys like me wont go check ur post...
  20. aha its not just me... pls fix it... maybe typing mistake
  21. well i hope so cause this one isnt working for me... pls take a look maybe its just me ps i just look in google (www.l2-delirium.tk) and dident find it... i found a gracia2 x300, hellbound x100, and freya x7 thing u need to try another name/domain... Features look great!!! hope i can connect soon
  22. 100%homemade... server isnt even fixed yet mana pots give 100mp i thing admin should fund some better GM's instead of just letting his friends be gms tip: if u want level 7 Attribute or Forgotten Scrolls go speek with mr.cat server have 11ppl on and 4of them is GM's GM's dont allow pk in any other zone then pvp zone i thing like 6-8hours should be enought to get full items +16 GL but i wont be there
  23. hmm server is fail... 20 ppl on HUGE farm areas farming just for weapon took me 2 hours tattos with custom stats blessed scrools maybe 100% but impossible to optain i suggest server change title till Farm server
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