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Everything posted by madsmoo

  1. lol 6 certs... some classes going to be OP but i'll give it a try xD gl with server
  2. max enchant +30 / +25 is to high for balance to exist.... i suggest u put max +16 / +20
  3. max enchant +30 = fail/unbalance
  4. looking for a Freya free pvp server with low max enchant and low elemental level server may max be 1 month old
  5. client? cant see... IL, EP, FREYA, HL, GOD?
  6. just tested server..... server is instance farm server with unbuffed farm zones = mages cant farm... server have 10ppl on server is FAIL
  7. client? il? ep? freya? HL? i cant find nowhere
  8. server is Hellbound or Freya? omfg and are there s84?
  9. server is curropt... char Action = Administrator Jessyca = [GM]MeTaDoN SeCrEtPoWeR = Shadow all are with extra skills and +100 armor parts ps if u chat in global chat saying "action = administrator" u will get banned after 2min server is fail and i pray for a crash or wipe
  10. max enchant +30? pff alredy there u got unbalance
  11. if both are pro and same gear its 50/50 Adventure wins on mirage, switch and trick Ghost Hunter wins on counter attack i perfer Adventure cause its more dificult to play but still the same as Ghost hunter
  12. hmm pls type in some more features like enchant rates or something xD GL with server though after 5mobs lv85 Safe enchant +5 max weapon +21 max armor +25 normal scrools 75% blessed scrools 85% 42buffs - 16dance/songs
  13. online players =8
  14. Server hosted from canada = everyone in Europe have 2-3sec delay on everything and since farm mobs group and make 1kdamage u cant farm..... bigest lag server ever
  15. i spawned in newbie (start area (custom zone)) and first thing that happinde is PK from high level dagger in stealth FAIL
  16. FAIL Voting system...... voting every 6th hour for 10years = full attri and +18armor +its freya so u need 120x3attribute on all pieces Crystal stones optanied thorugh voting and they have only 65% SUCKS but i got better servers to play at
  17. pls fix some Auto-create account... cause the account manager in ur wep doesent work
  18. omfg we dont care about who is GM but this in website and remove from ur post
  19. .
  20. sry guys i asked a Moderator to close this topic... and i removed the server site... i regret i posted this server and waisted my time there
  21. Fix the wepsite pls
  22. Lineage 2 Freya server! Exp.: x5000 Sp.: x5000 Adena: x3000 Rate Drop Items: x1 Rate Drop Boss: x3 Rate Drop Spoil: x5 Rate Drop Karma: 40% -= Enchat Rates =- Safe = +10 Max = +30 With Crystal = 70% With Normal = 78% With Bless = 92% -= Custom NPC's =- Gatekeeper Buffer GM Shop Max Enchanter Grand Bosses Top PvP/PK Augument -= Custom/Farm Item's =- Blood (Custom) Silver (Custom) Gold (Custom) Festival Adena And custom zones 1 Safe Farm Zone 2 PvP Zones 1 Party Zone (Its not my server, im just playing there and want some more players because the server is new it needs some ppl) :D
  23. BIGEST FARM SERVER EVER i farmed for 3hours to get Elegia wep but the Custom stuff is 1000times more expansive... All farmzones (all 30) is full of super geared PKers most of the farm zones dont work (cant go there) FAILSERVER.org dont join FAIL
  24. Wepsite is fail... when i try to go in wep nothing happinds... i tried with IE, Firefox and google crome
  25. Custom items = Confution and Unbalance cause they have Customised stats
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