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About vipPOLICEvip

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  1. About the vagena thing , as it seems to me he removed the chat ban as he added that and he could have thought its just random spamming. lmao wew tho 2 people raging hard i like it... Dev and xdem, niceu!
  2. you could be right , I am not saying he will most definitely succeed or that he wont. And the real reason i defended him was because you were too aggressive towards him and i am not a big fan of yours. But nonetheless all I really wanted to do was make certain points that is not only about this server but over all our community. We all are really prejudiced when it comes to servers that have to do with our beloved servers which withheld so many memories of ours. I just want u to read my post above and understand my intentions were nothing but pure. We all need to be a bit more open minded and give everyone a chance no matter how tiny it may be. Anyways have fun. That is my last post for real, if u wanna discuss anything , there are personal messages. Take care
  3. xxdem comes in storming with insults and a completely meaningless comment. Congrats. The reason in creating a server is to make a fun playground for others. Servers who blindly copy everything another server has to offer of course could be called moronic. You and everyone else that is opposing the idea of this server so much , should do so after you have at least checked the server itself. Using the source of another server indeed is not ideal but that means nothing in the long run if the people enjoy playing in the server. He clearly has made efforts to distinguish his server from all the recent copies you mentioned. So why not take a chill pill , see how it goes and then discuss this again (this goes to Hater as well but considering his name... well). Last but not least this is a server preview post, it is for you to see and decide if you want to give it a shot and not make it look like it is predestined to fail because every other server did; including one u were working on. Sorry that I had to butt in a discussion that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Keep the private server preview forum clean of meaningless discussions and posts that add nothing to the server. Try the server make a pro's and con's post and that is that. Thank your for your time and sorry about the long post. Keep in mind this post is not meant to be offensive or to trigger a discussion, I will refrain from posting anymore.
  4. Looks really promising. me and some buds will def test it ;)
  5. do you actually need to have your android device rooted?
  6. Keep lying to everyone and mostly to yourself. Paysafe was more than fine. I think you were retarded. As soon as u typed the paysafe and pressed what seemed as "ok" you immediately closed teamviewer and u blocked my skype. Just so you know the money were real. I would do the trade but you were a scamming ass... well done
  7. You retard as soon as you typed the paysafe to bet365 , YOU BLOCKED MY SKYPE AND CLOSED THE TEAM VIEWER. THEN 10 MINUTES LATER YOU COME BACK AND CALL ME A SCAMMER. someone please lock My topic and get him banned already. this is his 2nd scam feedback like wtf!
  8. You retard as soon as you typed the paysafe to bet365 , YOU BLOCKED MY SKYPE AND CLOSED THE TEAM VIEWER. THEN 10 MINUTES LATER YOU COME BACK AND CALL ME A SCAMMER.
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/131310-master-joda/ Master Joda 100E Paysafe scam. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/185957-diamond-1-account-price-100-euro/this is his post. THAT FKIN LIER
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/131310-master-joda/ Master Joda 100E Paysafe scam. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/185957-diamond-1-account-price-100-euro/this is his post. As soon as he typed the paysafe to bet365 , HE BLOCKED MY SKYPE AND CLOSED THE TEAM VIEWER. THEN 10 MINUTES LATER HE CAME BACK AND CALL ME A SCAMMER. He gave me a negative feedback as well.
  11. provide me with your name/lolking/op.gg , there is no way anyone could trust u right now....
  12. Im interested into buying a Diamond V+ account in EUNE. I dont care about skins/champions. If you are interested pm me YOUR lolking or op.gg , your skype and a price.
  13. I've got no idea about ur pack or even client , but if it is a couple of bosses etc , just give them resistance to 2 handed weapons or xD, titan = useless.
  14. Emena pantws auto , mou fanike polu endiaferon... To 8ema einai ti 8a kaneis se osous loggaroun me bots gia to reward. Gia ta extra items... Akoma kai 1 char per ip 'h account , den 8a stamatisei kapoion pou paizei apo net cafe me dynamic ip ktlp... pantws i idea s top , ^^
  15. It is a trusted person to trade with.
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