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Everything posted by i˚Ozõ

  1. you either reply . anyway why not is good to bump some useful topics
  2. the project is almost dead.. not many updates in this month
  3. dn 3erw tpt apo epilogue asxoloume mono me interlude . nomizw pws ta xamilonis edw data/stat/armor ala dn eimai sigouros
  4. you can not add free your server there.. you need to pay?
  5. poio bug re pseftiko einai omg mn ta leme xilies fores. ama kanis restart ta xanis k oxi oti ta xanis dn yparxoun kan mono esy ta vlepis
  6. lol kali said that its for IL not hellbound
  7. wreo file sinexise na kani post website
  8. so you will not buy l2strict?
  9. nice features dude. anyway gl with it
  10. appela is not custom item . its retail armor ;)
  11. what class is pvp ? lol
  12. shift + attack opws leei o frank kai pata edit. ekei exei ta panta. ti weapon na foraei ti armor na foraei ta skills tou klp
  13. for the first problem go on cofings/allsetings.prop and click alt class without quest: true for the second go on your pack /data/quest/costum and edit init.py and put this on the '999_buffer' or something like this. 999_buffer should be your quest name of the buffer
  14. poulas k to account sto hopzone mazi?
  15. for free pack's nop. but i can suggest you a private that cost 30euro and have almost all bugs fixed and give support on your problems
  16. so is oneo pack. first of all take a screen with the error. 2) if your server is online just delete all wh until you fix it
  17. he is not hacker. he is making a bug because your pack sux and have lot of npe. tell me what pack you use
  18. how they can trust a guy that have -1 karma in 15 post's?
  19. what 100 omfg? you dont see me and dimis we offered much more
  20. 130 l2funland (my last offer) i dont bind more than 130
  21. hey users im glad to announce you that l2mafia is making few new updates. so im asking you to invite your friends in order to keep this legend server alive. the server is live for more than 4 years with no wipes. to play the server you need interlude client. also if you are not willing to play just vote on the link bellow. http://l2.hopzone.net/vote.php?site=64278 yours. for more information contact me via pm also the website : l2mafia.gr
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