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Everything posted by i˚Ozõ

  1. yes he gave me fake paysafe and he wanted the char. a modarator can check private messages and check the paysafe ;)
  2. look here : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=141597.60#quickreply someone ban him . is trying to give fake files. the only one that have those files is me because i am the owner ! 2) someone dekarma me for scamm or what? i cant understand what is happening with this forum . why every vip member use dekarma like a toy ?
  3. xaxa and where did you find it? o.O reported for for dekarma!
  4. who ever believe my pack suck or something he can just press alt + f4. also ipsx stop cry because no one is buying your pack and mine is sold more than 10 times so go away. i will not answer again to offtopics and plz keep my thread clear or im gonna report all of you for dekarma.
  5. who is scammer? me? huh? dont say bull shits or im gonna report you! you gave me fake paysafe
  6. i˚Ozõ


    look what did he said before dekarma me omg. he is kidding me? where did he saw the spam?
  7. i˚Ozõ


    who dekarma me and with what reason? thnx in advance!
  8. without source codes project is useless!
  9. c'mon he just want to farm post dont care about his opinion!
  10. t mono p tha pw AISXOS . mono afto afti i apantisi ta leei ola pistevw k to teliono edw
  11. only the first is good. the second is useless . why? because maybe you want to give second chance to banned members or they pay to get unbanned ..! anyway thnx
  12. eleos re paidia dn yparxi to paidi kante junk to topic tha gini rezili to forum me tetia post. toso analitiko guide gia aftin tin mpourda dld poso vlks prp na einai kapoios gia na svisi tin palia tou db . eleos dld omg drepomai mono pou to vlepw to guide ilikrina paidia
  13. lol its project and not server or i am wrong?
  14. yes i dont need the character any more and i dont want the server lose the community thats why im selling it.
  15. the forum lag much ..!
  16. www.l2funland.com try this too its cool
  17. huh nice glows dude gz
  18. eisai sigouros gia afto p les i einai mono mia ypothesi?
  19. yeah jimmaras have right here . l2jinfinity pack sux.. the worst pack i have ever seen !
  20. first of all learn English and then learn that Elviuxx took my pack. now go sell your crap and get out of here !
  21. are u sure? he change scoria with la2base and then my pack. go ask him :)
  22. * Επεξεργαστής 2 x Intel XEON 5520 (Quad Core) * Ram 6 GB DDR * IPs 5 * Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise (Windows 2008 Web Edition +30€, Windows 2008 Standard edition +50€,Windows 2003 Standard edition +50€) # HD 6 x 250 GB SATA H/W RAID 5 Controller # Traffic 2 TB # 100 Mbit LAN Uplink # Network SLA 99,99% # USA Datacenter for 3 months . my friend sell it in a good price . pm me for more infos
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