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Everything posted by ceoflex

  1. Nvm it's solved it seems that yah..only the clan that owns the castle can sit on the throne ..didn't know that
  2. how ? no1 can sit on it ? and i'm running episode 2 not final
  3. When I try sitting on throne ( i tried /sit and i tried from actions also) I get the "sitting on throne has failed" message. It is set to accept everyone not just the clan leader ..but no one can sit on it ? Where are it's files located ? how can i fix this please ?
  4. really nice thanks for the share ..gonna test it out
  5. Ya i am running on Gracia Part 2 .. so the mobs on PI are responsible for that ?
  6. does anyone have a good tutorial on how to do it ? i am rly confused
  7. What exactly do you have to change in order to modify the skill land rate (like bluff and sleep), power or what in the xml files?? Please some1 help
  8. Hello, on my server I saw someone having huge stats on his character and he said he made it through phx .. so i searched for a fix that blocks phx but all i can find is announce and enchanting .. any way to block that ? please help rly need
  9. Hello , after i restored my backup on the server, a new server was created, so basically now i see at login screen 1 server offline and a new server (online) with another ID. Can you please tell me how to fix this ? (remove the offline one)
  10. Hello can someone tell me please how to edit the Danger area and Desert Heat skills ... i found them as so Danger <skill id="4268" levels="1" name="Danger Area"> <!-- This Skill Is Only For Description In The Client --> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> <set name="skillType" val="PASSIVE" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" /> <set name="castRange" val="-1" /> <set name="effectRange" val="-1" /> And <skill id="5399" levels="1" name="Heat of Desert"> <!-- Needs to be finished. Description(s): Condition causing target to decrease HP by heat of desert. --> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> <set name="skillType" val="CONT" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" /> <set name="castRange" val="-1" /> <set name="effectRange" val="-1" /> I think they are somehow related ... What i basically want is them to stop giving damage... I tried deleteing them or replacing val="Target_setl" with something else but it doesn't help can someone tell me the solution please
  11. How can you set a door to always stay open ? if i use //open on restart it closes
  12. How can i change the level to like 20 for example please ?
  13. well i found a file on zones from server named custom.xml and that seems to be helpful, i will try that
  14. How do u make shop zones ? i mean configure so that u can not make shops in certain areas
  15. I downloaded the Geodata from here http://rapidshare.com/files/193202406/L2-Geodata_-_Geodatas_CT2_Part_2_Rev_363.rar I made a folder in Data, named it geodata and put all the files there I configed it .. al values set to True on geodataprop. GeoMode = 1 But ...everytime i start the server i get these errors Warning door at null region? [7][15] Warning GeoEngine : attempt to close door at block with no geodata And it's not working as I can still shoot through walls Did i miss a instalation step or something ? please help
  16. Thanks very much for your help :)
  17. I don't have the Edit no .... Using CT2 part 2
  18. If u could give a link with a tutorial it would be great :D
  19. How can I edit the server name ? Like make a custom name for the server ... I searched here and couldn't find any tutorials.. if someone has can they share please ? ???
  20. Can someone give me a link to a GvE pack or how to make one ? I wan the players to choose themselves if they want to be red or blue not make it automatically ..and after they choose they teleport to each faction's village ...
  21. 933 i'm smarter ;D i know 2 numbers
  22. guess that link was for him ^^
  23. ceoflex


    hehe rly nice thnx
  24. 932
  25. yap sorry ...it was a problem from my walker , token is good :)
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