First of all don't compare our server with shi.t lagging server renaisance 20 time closed becase of ddos and now same shit it will be closed again becase of laggs and 2nd don't troll us with your oppinions
there you can obtain them by killing Epics too in my opinion there will be the most awesome pvp! btw we didn't put the epics price we are w8 for your option!
This is 1 movie about pvp enjoy.
L2Energy aka L2Amnesia 1 year ago
L2 Energy eQ Clan
As you can see all classes are balanced and can be played
stop troll my topic we all know your server sux go back to your cave!
and there was a beta stage with firewall test too and it was working 100% now qq!
guys what do you think about epics price on gm shop (by voting) want them expensive or cheap there is a 2nd option to obtain epic by kill them with 3h +1h random. tell me your option
epic lie trance the ip is hosted at his home again ip is from bulgaria=)) so again no ddos protection and btw ddos protection is not just a soft to install it and done you have to know how to use it so qq he will get 100% again ddos
Guys check this! PROFESIONAL DDOS PROTECTION with blacklist and full classes rework and balance, server will go live on 06.07.2012
lol funny first of all you need to read again features you can raid too for epics(low respawn tine of rb)and vote , if 1 server is not balanced that mean all are same ? rofl is about knowledge of developer