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Everything posted by ceoflex

  1. Yes that was what i was trying to say :) . I did not mean to stop them from dropping the elo ... Also as a side idea, you could make seasons (2-3 weeks) and grant top teams a special status ( hero or something)
  2. Sounds very interesting, can hardly wait :) .. just one thing can you make it such that you get the reward only once? i mean for example if at 1500 you get a special reward..it should be one time only .. that would prevent people dropping the rating and getting it again to receive the reward more than once
  3. so after you do the initial one and let's say you want modify weapongrp.dat you have to repack the whole thing again? or you just pack the file you modify and select is as critical?
  4. DDOSED gz
  5. yes ofc you just copy and paste a bad version nothing more to say lol :)))
  6. copy paste my features rofl you have no originality =))
  7. we already contact a company for ddos protection and w8 for answer
  8. K we made a last fix if still not working we gona buy a cisco ddos guard untill tonight
  9. first of all i know all what is doing the admin from samdora and you are talking here with no sens np untill thonight i will start ddos samdora too
  10. just a retard kid who dont know to read .. w/e
  11. just gtfo and stop spam here stupid idiot!
  12. we are tryin to fix the problem but he had too many bots ... over 9k
  13. you are just a fukking idiot kid with no brain who try to get the credits for the ddos but you never did a ddos and you dont know how to do it!
  14. Stop qq you are 0 you have no power you dont know how to ddos the ddos is made by samdora he still have his booter and have like 8-9k bots nothing more
  15. this was all ? k blocked ! server back online
  16. For all qqers be paitent server will be online in 5-6h full ddos protected
  17. we will fix the ddos untill tomorrow just be patient
  18. there will be soon hopzone and topzone vote .. and yo can obtain them from grand rb too 3h respawn this is the point to mantain the pvp with a purpose i mean the pvp from epics bosses
  19. maybe not all but at last he will finish the all roots soon Server is back it is on
  20. sid you are not even ddos you are just a kid who qq the real ddoser is the samdora who will get down soon from me too who cares ! i can block all his ips but he can't
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