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Everything posted by Ass4s1n

  1. not video game.. poker and another guy.
  2. you don't know how it feels like, trust me. Ofcourse, trolls are everywhere.
  3. This goes to my ex you idiots not for mxc >.< its not only in mxc that i wrote it.. I wrote it everywhere where people doesn't know me IRL.
  4. Not really. /care for mxc. Just that I don't want to share this shitty story with none of my friends, I decided to share it here.. And to see how trolls will react. Its true though, my girlfriend left me since my father died .. too much for me now ;/
  5. Almost two years.. Two happy years... We loved, we were happy.. we did things, that we never did before... Like the little childs we saw the happiness, emotions... We were great partners.. We loved eachothers. Others say, "i like you". Some say, that they "walk together", others, that they "meet" with someone. But ,we, didn't do that. We loved. We completed eachother. We were happy for eachother. Two years. 24 Months. 730 Days. Love. Smiles. Respect. Beyond all. Where did we do wrong?! That we loved eachother more, than everyone other around us? Where did we do wrong? That we weren't only in love, but we were a real PARTNERS in life? What changed? I'll explain you, sweety, what DID NOT change! My attitude for you, because I always loved you and helped you. You never heard a answer with NO. I always helped you, when you expected it from me. I didn't deprecate you never, ........................ but now you dumped me. Me - the person, who didn't dump you never no matter what the consequences were. Why did you do it?! I am so inlove with you, that you never even thought of, you are my whole life. You give me reason to live. And now, you dumped be, because of a shitty game. Because of another. Because of love and a stupid game. You throwed me like a shitty bone for a street homeless dog. You throwed from the roof of our house all of our memories, the whole happiness we've got, everything that we ever did. And everything... because of a game. But now, the game is pain. I didn't stop crying from yesterday. And I'll continue. Today, my sweety, I lost myself. You were the meaning of my life. As for your new "toy", you're just the desert. I wish you good luck, my love.............
  6. Strong words.. I've lost my father too, he played L2 with me, lowrates and sh1t, now everytime I log in game Im starting to cry.. You're not the only one who feels this way.. This game really does take a big part of our heart.. Makes us remember things.
  7. Its not from ur windows. You've got to "cyrilize" ur windows (if u use japanese/russian and such subtitle files).
  8. My only advice is that if you're not gonna use this PC for servers or high load, don't use x64 system, but a x86 one. And ... Dunno I never heard for video cards who are GDDR5 lol ;| Andd... There's nonsense to buy another hard for your operating system, one HHD is more than enough. Just let the Windows with like 30gb pagefile and u won't have problems at all. Thats all. P.S. I personally tested that 3d shit and it ain't worth its money :)
  9. Instead of replacing the adena id and shit, lower the adena rate and delete it from every NPC which drops it, do some client modding and u're done.
  10. For questions, please find me on MSN wizzy121@hotmail.com.
  11. A new Gracia Epilogue project will be born. I've got really a big amount of coded custom good ideas which I'll never use on my own server, so I want to make a project and share them for free. Actually, I can work alone, but its really boring and its far better with a staff. The pack will be stable enough with the customs in it, most of it will be character customizing and bonuses and so on. They will be balanced too. The reason to create this project is that I recently had a accident with my father.. (he died, RIP to him), so im searching a way not to think for this accident and the L2J coding really relaxes me. The project wont die, there will be available for custom requests (im pretty sure every1 of you wanted to have a feature, but everyone wants money). The devs working with me won't get any payment. I want them to work for hobby, I'll teach them what I know and the opposite - they'll teach me what I don't know. THe staff count will be unlimited and I relay on newbies too, except if they commit a dangerous/unwanted code. All newbies who want to learn are accepted, its time for everyone to make some1 for himself. There's only 1 rule in this pack.. and which I hate the most: I do NOT want people who do NOT want to learn or just ask for THIS and THAT and make THIS and do THAT cuz im lazy. I want someone who really wants to learn and not to only request. P.S. Im not saying that I know more than the whole universe, but I know enough to make some requested features (which will require a big tests ofc) and I think I proved myself as a developer of L2J-Eminence (which was a failed project, because of staffs inactivity), but this doesn't mean I didn't do anything to keep it alive, so I will this time too. Thanks to anyone who've read this topic. P.S. for contacts .. wizzy121@hotmail.com MSN / wizzy121 skype / or pm here.
  12. Bullshit. Im running without antivirus for 8 years now and I did ONLY 1 format, cuz my bro decided to watch porn online >.> Bunch of douchebags keep watching porn online and downloading "HACKS FOR FORUM ACCOUNTS" or "HACK FOR +65535 ITEMS JUST TYPE UR ACCOUNT" and format 2 times a week... If you know how to manage ur PC keeping it without viruses, you can be without AV software.
  13. Does the vitality works here? Cuz im really bored to exp 3-4 months .. and if vitality works I can exp for a month max :D
  14. The skill can make atleast 800dmg which isn't low at all and doesn't need a high amount of MP. kthxbb
  15. synchronizeds shouldn't be used so much by newbies cuz they will cry about deadlocks then :D
  16. gn to all.. its 11:48 at the morning >.> finally im gonna sleep a bit :D
  17. Btw why the old thread was deleted? :D
  18. So I didn't get what this thing does at all.. I've just read the code - I don't have enough posts to see it =D
  19. Pretty good, but sometimes annoying. Some players aren't so good on random classes...
  20. .. Some guys don't know who evill33t is, don't ya :D
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