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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i really like V1!
  2. afk mengz
  3. 1:100% 2:Varka silenos or Devis island <3 <3 3:yes for balance 4:ofc boosted
  4. man they were right in some way a non-animated banner sucks...make them animated and sell them for 1 or 2 $ each!
  5. lol it's a style it doesn't means he maded it,here in forum you are acting like he invented this style
  6. Παύλος ο Εύθικτος that says it all
  7. that's ok,but if it remains here it will be locked every 2-3 days if something doesn't change
  8. read it all
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=166541.0 no reason to leave open this shit
  10. Obviously u donot believe in GrisoM xD i am glad to hear it
  11. are u talking about the guy that we can't say his name?
  12. in our theme i suggest refreshing Spam Team with members that must be in there(the active spammers who donot flame)and move GOST there rules are the same,the spam team will put everyone they want in there so no multi-acc and 10 yo childen who can make mess
  13. i wanna too let's wait Maxtor..
  14. not to mention he started flame war among with SadNews btw u locked the sticky topic lol
  15. see karma log of SoNic and his friend giving him karma(his friend is banned but he?) About sexual contet replies go at this report topic and if u want see all his useless post he did(resharing old+donot working things-and his friend gave him karma)go at his posts or wait me to collect them karma abusin in 0 καρμα και παλι
  16. Raule he is karma abusing racisting replies sexual content replies spamming all topics have friend giving him karma and u donot even dekarma him?
  17. the 10 year old kiddos donot english,relax
  18. i suggest Maxtor puttin iQ test for login or for beeing full VIP access
  19. Raule pls check 1 topic in report section..
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=ownkarma;u=74942 -1 for personal messages? another karma abuse
  21. in GR there should be a law regarding use of internet from #15 year old children(or less) #Mentally retarted ppl
  22. we need GOST back please give to Maxtor this suggestion about spam team only move
  23. that means if u become global u will unlock it?
  24. i mean another guy,that will have privs only at spam section a very active+trustful but it's up to Maxtor only
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