so let's some moderators tell Maxtor make Gr topic into a specific section that we can invite ppl
so no sub-acc=no flames/ban cz subaccounts flame and donot afraid ban
Why this now?
SONIC is trying to make us flame him
someone did
he was banned
ban Sonic and be ok
And that's why i wanna Spam Team
some ppl that constant spam in a GR spam topic will be there,away of annoying kiddos that come and make it lock
rules doesn't say specific things
px now someone made 1 guide for LS(while there is a perfect sticky one)and got karma
made a shitty .bat file (which is already shared here)and got karma
now made a guide
to be a Adve u need to be rogue-treasure hunter-adventurer(this is guide?lol)
can i dekarma him?;?
1 question
can we dekarma someone who makes all the time retarted+useless guides?
or dekarma him if he got a karma from another retarted ppl while he doesn't worth it?
Τhe sticky one has more information that this :/;topicseen#msg1263743
for GR MOD
this topic is totally useless.Check urself too.Only spam can be done there
ε αφου υπαρχει το γαμωsticky γιατι κανεις καινουριο και σπαμμαρεις ολο το mxc με ανουσια πραγματα
η ειρωνια ειναι οτι εχεις και φιλους να σου δινουν καρμα