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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. maybe but see the other point if i go at a forum and needs to register i am bored and i let it go if free i will search for some posts i was refered px by google more views=more money to Maxtor
  2. xaxa afk maybe cu later
  3. why to be locked?
  4. normally it must have 300+ this time
  5. guys this topic has a purpose if u want go at EOSP ty
  6. he is spamming he doesn't even know what to post and where he maybe is funny but there are rules smite him!
  7. all ppl who spammed now will be there too Just we will avoid types of multi-acc i donot care about ban about 10 year old childs(like Sonic) 14 year old braindamaged kis(like Nosfekain) actually these make this topic locked
  8. Advocatus Diaboli ok
  9. all others who we donot want,aren't spamming ,they are flaming and that's not spam
  10. That's exactly my point.gratz xD
  11. and the permission of the members beeing there that they want him..(her)
  12. do you like what is now at GOST? every 10yo kiddo coming and make topic be locked?
  13. Raule said if done how to join rules will be changed px we can invite someone to spam section,but we are responsible to him and he must have px 500 spam posts
  14. U are a diaboli
  15. CausE It'S NOt ACTiVe If WHo iS cONstAnTly SpaMmINg In gost mOvE iN tHere ToO aND CreAte A gr TopIc It wON'T Be A fAil
  16. i uSE ThE wEBSitE wITh ThE nEws oF PAnathInAikOS As DEsktOp ;D
  17. ThE onLy rEAsON TO RevIVE tHis sECTioN WIlL Be tO sPam AVOidINg tHe REtArtEd bOt-ACC kIddOs
  18. eRol uPDate It oR desTicKY It
  19. TeLl IT To K4RmAarR0WS HE ShareD THiS PrOGrAm
  20. GIVe mE YoUr addReSs I wIlL sENd U SoMe aPPLES FOR UR FAmIlY
  21. ಠ_ಠ loL thIs is RETarTed wHEn u SCRolL It uP aNd DowN it SEEMS LIkE ThE EyeBRows aRe mOvING xaxAxAXa LaWl EVIL GRisOm
  22. ಠ_ಠ
  23. :) :D ;) ;D :( 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(
  24. Its stRaNgE To Me IT HE dIdnot GoT aNy KARmA yET wITh tHe Vips wE GoT hERE
  25. it's : o in smf
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