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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Google didn't translate 'Psiliasmenoi'
  2. Εγω το σκεφτηκα πρωτος,δεν θα μου κλεψεις την ιδεα!Θα την πουλησω σε Net Cafe-Casino-Online Casino games
  3. Kαι τους τουρκους-Ρωσοποντιους Δεν νιωθουν μια,και μεχρι να τους κανεις να καταλαβουν τι θες να κανουν σου εχει βγει η ψυχη
  4. roflmao...only way make a titan.. if u have PHX and can make +,then u will make a D grade weapon ++ and nothing else
  5. hi moar pro leecher in pro forum where ventic is
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=126647.0;msg=1330343 JAJAJAJJAJA GOLD MOAR JAJAJAJAJAJA REPORT MOAR JAJAJJA
  7. trakador.blogspot.com
  8. mawhahahahahahahahhaha
  9. riport for ban(or should i?) andway check wrong karma abuses
  10. He passed ur scooter right now!
  11. why noone mod follows GrisoM rules?3 abuse=perma ban and he isn't even dekarmed..
  12. with Erol's bike?
  13. he was Lucky Phoenix lost it from Erol(Female too)
  14. Due to SoFaKI u are no longer VIRGIN -0
  15. up ?
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=61040;sa=showPosts;start=0 Just check his posts! Ty good and the most hilarious is if u go in the topic itself to see where he says that!
  17. why are u making her gifts signs of girls?
  18. Δεν τα εχει καν οργανωμενα οπως τα αλλα(που εχουν τα link κατω απο τα γραμματα)
  19. ROFL but omg,he has done so many abuses,never post in a right section why still no banned?
  20. rofl...even 2 months haven't passed!
  21. κανε και αυτο lock
  22. Απλα δειτε αυτο το τοπικ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=172132.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=61782
  23. Why always same renders?
  24. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=74810
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