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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. http://www.superleaguegreece.net/game/1011004/
  2. should be locked since the author has 0 knowledge in them and cannot support them ;D
  3. Mαλακια πεταξες το προσπερναω ΦΙΛΕ ΜΟΥ ΕΧΕΙ ΓΙΝΕΙ SHARE 242323 ΦΟΡΕΣ ΠΟΥ ΝΑ ΠΑΡΕΙ
  4. +1 και εγω ο μονος λογος που μπαινω μαφια αυτος ειναι
  5. 1/10
  6. L2 is becoming more complicated IL users find Gracia complicated same as they find complicated WoW so they say Gracia+=WoW cz it's the same complicated for them
  7. In a high rate u will hardly ever see tyrant or titan..or sorceror
  8. earth on dagger about attritubes on armors,all except fire
  9. Donot answer every reply done Maybe considered as a spam anyway,sure more than 60% for sure the number maybe seems a little,but in other countries(not GR)u can easily open a home hosted server w/o lag at 200 ppl
  10. just like every other greek server BIG advertisment poor gm team(0 knowledge) removal of bad comments everywhere(like in here-in their forums-everywhere) Crazy donations and fail after some time now wait for wipe and then the re-fail
  11. and server will die in max 4 months as every other mid grade IL trust me
  12. BLOCKED!
  13. u iz nub c0der mi no sentz adenaz
  14. that means if u find a Finito in one leeching forum u will ban me? cz i am not in staff?
  15. that doesn't prove much things now too,but nvm
  16. px everyone can go into a forum,put Morian put ur ava+sign and leech everything from here./
  17. The point is In that forum everyone px can make an account Finito or Apithanos or ExtremeDwarf or w/e and leeches it that the real realtek?or a hater?
  18. anyone who leeches w/o credits is dekarmed or banned..
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=172413.msg1332854#msg1332854 look he advertises his sell topic for THIS server in the server topic author tries to sell HIS char...
  20. someone died cz of this..ffs but ,for sure ALL games are 'fake'
  21. artistic fackers
  22. when i phoned i heard a girly voice-that must be Chucky
  23. there are more than 40-50 more examples like that ';D
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