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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Υοu were fucked up that's why u feed like that
  2. DAMN CHECK This i uploaded myself one 100% i found
  3. meng if you would continue with that project you would fail so bad as you cannot imagine... It's like starting a project with a full bugged packet..who joins will leave in some minutes and most time down for fixes
  4. Coyote did u try the L2Archid bugs?
  5. i like justice i don't like 10 year old VIP doing everything they want cz they have a [More][Less]button
  6. Aren't u in? ofc meng,same raidboss with Freya weapons?
  7. This won't be ever done
  8. i have seen good clans w/o crest but clan w/o crest may show that the leader is SO noob that cannot put a crest or is below level 3
  9. not again
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32870.0 αρα CombatZone
  11. οχι αν εχει χωρο για buff θα παρει,αλλα αμα ειναι περιορισμενα φυσικα και οχι
  12. Just to make it clear,who has bought chars in L2-Survival has been banned in their forum there are many reports such us:WHY MY ACCOUNT IS BANNED? and Sawk gives them the link with mxc sell topic just to //care
  13. who likes yahoo msn..
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=172118.0;topicseen
  15. rofl....the one eats 2 zamponopites and 1.5 litre coca-cola and the other beer at the morning..
  16. Και γιατι να θες crit.rate;
  17. http://d09.gamecopyworld.com/?r=pc_nfs_most_wanted&c=20664&d=2005&f=crixu!rar damn links doesn't work...wait me to upload one http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FJEUNJF7 urs
  18. so what work are u starting if u don't have freya files?just website forum etc?
  19. about server tell me when it will be approximately on
  20. Μaxtor VaxiL(crying for unban) Pwnz0r GrisoM
  21. and then who will report?damn
  22. Το ξερουμε εδω και μια βδομαδα+ οτι Gerero=Maprex τιποτα καινουριο;Unban Gerero;
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