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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. error
  2. U IZ NOT BR,U IZ Javar
  3. meng wi iz BR spik BR or go in enotha farum kk? Commento laik spam spam spam isn't alowid
  4. thegamereborn.net started 3 days ago,over 400 ppl
  5. Nova sublimity if u play,u will have made sure a very right choise
  6. no mi wantz sign
  7. L2Anime..sure sh1ty-There is good L2 too actually anyway,you should give information for online activity,i see giran totally empty
  8. ροφλ? or rofl? or omg?
  9. Θα παμε στην βαρκελωνη εστω και αν φαμε πουτσα
  10. rofl μυστικο το κρατουσαν;
  11. now mxc can see both avatars
  12. Αν και το βλεπω λιγο δυσκολο να προλαβουν να τον παρουν
  13. i play like that...omg i had still vesper...now fixing that
  14. Your avatar is in the mid of them?
  15. yeah..
  16. what i thought in the start then i saw Lan party and understood that..
  17. Nothing like LAN games of DotA...
  18. i didn't get this Then you press with your arrow-keys; UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT UP UP DOWN DOWN what i do?
  19. Phx enchant doesn't work 2 years now..
  20. lan party?
  21. Σου λεω μην μπλεξεις με μουσουλμανους-αραβες παντως μου ειχαν γεμιζει clan/shout/trade την κολογλωσσα τους εκεινα τα αναποδα γραμματα
  22. 5883
  23. Impossible if u don't find a gm account phx=dead
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