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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. no have pictures in the pc... btw what age do u prefer?
  2. Ιnterlude? Rofl he says he is not the owner!
  3. i have a dog too
  4. i have 4 cousins(girls) 6 11 19 23 age
  5. see how many VIP's use + or - karma isn't banned...lol...it's just about maturity
  6. MODS always warn first.....(ED warns with a ban but w/e)
  7. Abuses are wannabe mod actions and every action MODs have to fix
  8. HERE http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=160438.msg1274152#msg1274152
  9. Τhe true is..u made karma abuses consider this as warning for perma ban
  10. Reptant_


  11. and u are trying to 'Hummiliate me'(make me famous basically)with ur sign? Berseker Increases pdef/mdef and decreases patt/matt/speed/attspd/cast spd i guess? >|<
  12. Reptant_


    ok it's undig,but why should we let this since topic author is NOT banned,and still quite active here.. he can help HIM and whoever else has this problem
  13. why not?ffs (I donot care DS gave me a brazzers premium) if something else move it somewhere i can see it :o
  14. Give me access!
  15. this is deleted meng
  16. said the magic word Donate him px for 10$ in Namine(px for adenas)and u are unbanned
  17. Δωστε μου αδεια να το κανω translate πλιζ! τωρα χωρις πλακα,οτι ακουει ενα 10χρονο απο εναν μεγαλυτερο και του φαινεται καλο ερχεται και το γραφει εδω
  18. why nu meng?nu to all 4 topics?
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=172465.0 req help in L2Jbrasil.Not allowed
  20. omagad
  21. man take this word L2Dοminion and c/p in ur title!(instead of L2 blocked) also a picture of a char pls
  22. good
  23. Java war!
  24. gud ?
  25. Σε αυτο θα συμφωνησω βασικα εχω 2-3 χρονια να τον δω να κανει κατι καλο
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