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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i wasn't expecting this from Maxlols...sure from goddess maybe Intrepid coded a flooder in Java who knows?
  2. now i ask ;D
  3. dekarma via SS! yo^^ Ddos what else?
  4. Aν καποιος ξερει να φτιαχνει ενα code(δηλαδη να ταχτοποιει lines+σωστη συνταξη (με παραπανω ορους φυσικα)θα ξερει και αυτα τα απλα
  5. Useless..δεν προκειται να μαθεις java ετσι..αυτο ειναι το 0.5%(και αν)
  6. expired
  7. >_>
  8. rofl
  9. HND
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=172939.0
  11. my profile says i am 189 years old after 58 more years,at age of 247 years old i will die
  12. Saturday, October 6, 2068
  13. fixed
  14. 15/0/1
  15. SpamMachine Slucky BR Maxtoρ
  16. Υοu cannot enchant in IL via Phx only use WH enchant go at a warehouse Open scroll(Use Item in phx) Enchant weapon(Enchant in phx) Store to warehouse(In phx 2 codes-Bypass and DepositItem) make these and take the 4 codes and paste them in SEND then wear the weapon,open the scroll(donot click anything else) and press 'Send' if works,when item brokes goes to WH as the enchant it was,if succesful you will see it enchanted in WH care for 5 second protection many server have in deposit things in wh
  17. Reptant_


    in my opinion delete many sections and put them together make a GAME SECTION boards: League of legends HoN DotA WoW Aion Guild wars 2 CS(?) and put 1-2 moderator at them...
  18. 15 post in 20 days....!!!!!!!
  19. he gives the 300% bonus experience to team
  20. Setekh u made a poll about that some time ago search for that..
  21. i have an older version of phx working nicely,will upload it today...
  22. only GOST is alive..
  23. with Traitor as Gmod and frits gold member mawhahahaha roflmao
  24. and user banned made 10 topics all in wrong section,warned more than 5 times
  25. You prefer a forum community with 5 ppl online at peak hours ;D
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