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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Aποτι εχω δει,οσοι ελληνες εχουν δικο τους server απο εδω μεσα,ειναι τελειως fail ο σερβερ τους(Δεν μιλαω για εκεινους που δουλευουν ηδη σε project)
  2. why we have more information about her brother and not her?
  3. Πολυ απλα,δεν υπαρχουν αξιολογοι ελληνες developer αυτη τη στιγμη Και οσοι υπαρχουν,δεν προκειται να κανουν ΤΙΠΟΤΑ τζαμπα αυτος ειναι ο λογος που θα fail το project
  4. But simple logic since u edit ur client only,how can other see it?
  5. Αν δεν κανεις video και να βγει διαφημηση δεν λεει >|<
  6. why Setekh has Karma+edit priv?new privs to Legendarys?
  7. daggers deal 25k damage?i will join
  8. exit MSN and make a new Yahoo one
  9. lol....να σε bannaroyn για αυτο;χαχαχα
  10. yahoo MSN is perfect,no this kind of problems
  11. Maybe just a Virus in ur PC?or someone doing u something like Ddos anyway,solution?or find a program that blocks all incoming friendinvites or change MSN
  12. WRD is scammer i don't pay
  13. +1 Since this is happening to MG too,confirmed it's from porn
  14. I cannot see the real scam here Talking about owner of L2Liberators,how it can be 2 people give him systems and don't work?since THESE systems work in everyone others pack... I think he is unable to use them (or he is able,pretending the UNABLE and requesting his money back while having the system)
  16. Μπορεις να το κανεις με εναν φιλο σου!
  17. Dekarmad a moderator now wait for getting banned
  18. what happened to Maxtor?unban Sinaya and `Namine ?
  19. Noble now rly why did u make this topic since Sinaya is unbanned?
  20. L2Dοminion L2Anime L2Eloxim L2Abnormal (κριμα που δεν ειναι και ο μαφια)
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=76189;sa=showPosts All replys ty ya ty ty ty
  22. Δεν γινεται αυτο καθως θα σου τελειωσουν τα reflect+salvation
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