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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Για αυτο εγινε ρεπορτ μην ανυσηχεις!
  2. Για αυτο ειναι topic Για να λενε τις γνωμμες τους και να πραττουνε αναλογα
  3. man we don't even understand what u say stop using google translator it sucks even if u get a correct answer u won't be able to understand it
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=61.0 SPAM RULE If any user makes over 5 replys in a role, it will be consider as spam & he will be dekarmed or banned. Last spam posts at the time of this post he is at 8 replies
  5. Traitor is noob Ventic is emo+gay you are right
  6. meng,the only bad i find in this,is that football player must go a big more right,so the letter W can be seen
  7. with what of all?
  8. Πραγματικα ποιον κοροιδευεις επειτα κανεις δεν θα δωσει 50 ευρω για εναν τετοιο σερβερ
  9. all of them can't stand the mxc....so big community to be well known they go there for staff members also Ventica and Traitor are also n00bs
  10. who cares u see i don't have it know i use it in some periods(in start i was using it while started spamming here)
  11. yeah good spam
  12. there the GOST is inactive...that's why i have an account there...you probably understood who am i !
  13. one time he wasn't dekarmed dekarma was a warning he is just a cheap c/per ofc ban
  14. Υοu think in that forum they are more spammers than we are here?:D fackin signature+avatar leecher!xD
  15. Remove the link and ask mod send u PM to check it btw it's the atleast the 3rd time doing it
  16. Phoenix has the same problem solution:Become Donator and send adenas :)
  17. wtf how many similar topics i agree with this
  18. chacky here?
  19. Δεν ειναι bug....
  20. Hey, Finito September 06, 2010, 17:36:16 * you have 355 messages, 0 are new. Show unread posts since last visit. Show new replies to your posts. Total time logged in: 31 days, 9 hours and 29 minutes.
  21. Better go in a private epilogue server...it will give you almost the same feeling You maybe don't like it I didn't know about all levels,they way i did level it up was how i told you about elixirs,lol last time i bought from there..anyway if not exist they are accesible only by Clan Halls(siegable) about the dyes,you buy them from mammon spawns in catacombs each 2 weeks
  22. Κριμα που δεν επιτρεπεται το dekarma για αθλια shares... ευχαριστουμε που μας προσφερετε ευκαιριες για spam
  23. yes that was the way to C4 you can level it up up to level 10 in Displices necropolis px (doom nights etc-doom mobs)
  24. it's a quest when u have this and a crystal px level 10 go at a raid boss,and use the crystal(by pressing it) it will cast something like vampiric claw and when raid boss dies,it is leveled up but u will have much time till then,until crafting a A grade weapon(or more)
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