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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i have a feeling he will do it..
  2. not only you... it will give some work off to maxtor(no more name changes by him..)xd
  3. Ashe sucks...anyway even with lifesteal she can't survive for long
  4. What about adding CHANGE APPEARED NICKNAME as shop for 10k adena?
  5. change admin
  6. Good imagination, you screwed it up in some things^^ but it's still nice imo thanks
  7. People can see it i won't let my IQ fell down by talking to you
  8. See,cause u have 0 mind and can't think even basic thinks,we,the common people have something named COMMON SENCE+ CRITIC we are not stupid like you believe things like that
  9. 10 yo +mentally retarted WHAT CUSTOM FEATURES I haven't seen even 1 single line of java by you,jeez You know in mxc there are smart people,they aren't all dumb like you btw,find better ways to advertise ur failed website,rofl
  10. Let's see Coyote asks you questions about pack,you don't answer and instead of that you post 'embarrasing'(lol)photos for him YOu show disrespect to people's work Seriously,you are either 10 years old or mentally retarted You don't know to code even a single word and u sell a FULL private interlude pack coded by YOU?
  11. in syxtextures search a file WINGS delete it you won't see anything
  12. no pocketmoney for 1 month for what u said right now kid
  13. SHOW SOME RESPECT KIDDO You didn't report for cleaning my posts? anyway,we are saying the truth Stop PMing members to come and say to say :Trusted seller,jeez)
  14. Μαλακες τον κανετε να νιωθει καποιος ενω ειναι ενα τιποτα
  15. Μαλακα εχεις κομπλεξ
  16. Παλια νομιζω το ειχα δει Global Rules,αλλα δεν ειναι τωρα
  17. Μαλακα τη μια λες αλλα την αλλη αλλα δεν αξιζει κανεις ΚΑΝ να συζητησει μαζι σου
  18. Οντως δεν υπαρχει Καλητερος Με αυτο που λεω,εννοω την αντιληψη να μην θεωρεις σωστο χριστιανο αυτον που δεν πηγαινει εκκλησια
  19. Δεν μου λες εσυ ΕΣΥ που πηγαινεις ΚΑΘΕ ΒΔΟΜΑΔΑ εκκλησια πχ αλλα αμφιβαλω αν εχεις κατανοησει τα βαθυτερα νοηματα της,θεωρεισαι καλυτερος χριστιανος απο εναν που πιστευει,καταλαβαινει τι διδασκει η θρησκεια και απλα δεν πηγαινει εκκλησια;
  20. ο ΕD λεει να γινει ψυχολογος ::)
  21. χαιρομαι που το γυρνας στο greeklish Ποτε δεν εφαγα αυτο που μου ταισαν,δεν αλλαξα τις αντιληψεις μου για κατι,το οποιο δεν ενεκρινα συμφωνα με την λογικη μου και δεν το θεωρω σωστο
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