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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. like L2Sensation
  2. how the hell this server isn't popular at all,never heard about it and it has 2+k players even the guy logged with l2net told 200 players
  3. ο Rozdex φταει δεν εβαλε εικονα l2jfree
  4. http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/trunk/
  5. Restart PC/f8 οπως ανοιγει/ασφαλη λειτουργεια-safe mode εγω την τελευταια φορα που μου ειχε γινει,μπηκα με τα ubuntu και τα εσβησα xd
  6. hey,even not someone from england can't understand ur english,soz
  7. hey,even not someone from england can't understand ur english,soz
  8. Let's see u open a server in ur home,don't even know what is deticated,u think u can run a Gracia final with freya(lol) i imagine how the server is....
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=154781.msg1484157#new δεν ξερω καλυτερα να το ποσταρες εδω..
  10. Φιλε μου,με τοση εμπειρια που εχεις πρεπει μολις μπαινεις σε εναν server να λενε:Ηρθε ο top player ε; Ακους εκει τι λεει..
  11. yeah but server is in deticated?
  12. This system doesn't work,Paul simple
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=127184.0 also,don't double post In topic: wtf is that domain server is in deticated?
  14. i will speak to a language u may understand bla bla bla we are not like you blala bla noobs blal bla we can understand bla bla your dumbness bla bla instead of bla bla opening a bla bla l2x like bla bla 10 kids in past bla bla and pretending u have bla bla l2off freya files bla bla while u are a bunch of 12 year old kids(or bla bla BRS ) make something yours bla bla you can only get a bla bla bunch of brain damanged bla bla kids by that
  15. Try inviting members in academy and then kick them
  16. Στοιχημα οτι ηθελε να παρω την αποζημιωση απολυσης
  17. You have to search for Freya packets i think
  18. Χωρις πλακα ποσες φορες φετος,ηταν σαν να μας λεει απο μονος του'ΘΕΛΩ ΝΑ ΦΥΓΩ' και δεν τον εδιωχναν
  19. Τι σχεση παιζει το critical rate στον daggera ελεος αν εννοεις το critical damage o Ghost Hunter εχει πολυ παραπανω
  20. be mature for one time i just don't like,while there is a perfect guide+sticky,why to make a new one that is 95% the same it's my opinion
  21. about if it is legal In terms of agreement,you have to add that this isn't a kind of payment,that they just donate money to you,and u reward them if u can understand what i mean
  22. Σκαει ομως αρκετα λιγοτερα damage αλλα φυσικα εχει παραπανω αντοχη απο τον darkelf
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