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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Για να γινει ενα event,που θα εχει ενα reward dona/VIp membership? νομιζω η απαντηση ειναι οχι οπως σου εξηγησα πριν κανε ΠΜ εναν GMOD/L2mod για κατι δημιουργικο και ισως γινει κατι
  2. Προλαβενουμε να κανουμε edit τα ποστ πριν μας καταλαβουν!
  3. Βλεπω να πληρωνουν για gold μονο για αυτο
  4. Εχετε κανει share το 2ο dvd της τζουλιας εκει;Αν οχι δεν αξιζει :/
  5. Atleast for me,it was one day at EOST ... they were talking with ED about some things in sections i couldn't see :/
  6. ε μαλλον επειδη ο GrisoM ελεγε οτι εχει ενα porn section εκει :/
  7. Maybe it would be nice but the 60% of foru members are already dona/vip also,this could happen only if GMODS have some more privileges or if maxtor was WAY WAY more active
  8. Until the next event,i hope a moderator will hold this up,so it can succeed (we will force ED to do it ;) ) I am more confused than before :/
  9. i know,we understood our mistake imagine that GodPower+Tsili organized it(lol) also there was no reward but wait,still no moderator plays League of legends px how can a event be done?if he knows almost nothing at this? anyway,let it go,we will see at the next one at this topic the main point of creating this event is?
  10. there were some parts in LOL tournament we tried to do,there was no help from mods since noone of them has something to do with it ED tried to help,but if u see....there were some black parts..like on dates/the whole system etc
  11. We tried to make a LOL tournament but no help from moderator,no good reward and it failed last GFX combetition was kinda fail since MD had no privs and kinda bad organization an L2 event can't be done a dota too l2j not I see the only thing now most members are active in ,is LOL,so maybe a tournament there
  12. I didn't make too,it's good to make one after 3,2k posts?;D
  13. Το τελος ηταν λιγο ασυνηθιστο
  14. Αφου ειναι inactive ακομα και μαγκακιους
  15. χΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑ ρε τον μπασταρδο την φτιαχνει
  16. Για events χρειαζεται κυριως ενας active admin Εσυ νομιζεις με ενα joκer event σωθηκαμε;
  17. γουατ;
  18. [Hidden Content]ΨΕΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΣ!
  19. Μην λες κακοηθηες κακε 12 ειναι
  20. Στοιχημα δωσε μου 10 ευρω και αυριο θα εχεις μια τετοια sign
  21. Δωσε μου το account σου να κανω ενα share να παει 0 karma
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