hey wtf move it to report/jk
i think it's an router port problem,so offtopics or L2jdev help gr
but as like at Ghost hunter guide,there was a word from darkslayer
'I am very good at ghost hunter,impress me and u have +1'
and ok..
L2General disc is missing like 15 classes guides(while gr is full) still quests + in dota we can make up to 90+ guides
even in theory,you can get what's the best armor/what's best tactic,cause most skills haven't changed,just added new armors
but it doesn't worth,cause it is not something that i would like
Ok yhn
it's a matter of fact,that i have made some guides,that i wanted karma
but some,like Ghost hunter/storm screamer,1 guide to newcomers at GR and a quest guide(my latest) and a WALKER GUide were ,not for karma,just to help people,and prove some things(like at DS)
Basically,if i play Epilogue i will make guide
i usually make,when i play a class somewhere else...and not only at epillogue cause interlude sucks
i never played something different than spellhowler in epilogue to know...(from mages part) so...