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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Οτι νανε;Βλακειες τοπικ-Βλακειες απαντησεις
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=79379;sa=showPosts
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81156.msg620758#new Junk
  4. check link it's one from google or w/e (he says:Something like that) btw he can take it from photo
  5. It's the same....fifa with graphics at full is better than PES anyway
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=49.0 :)
  7. RO is dead
  8. I can spam in general greek w/o ban
  9. 2k more send
  10. Help him first i will send him adena when he gets 24500 adena
  11. Rofl didn't usee what they managed? so UE2 that is lighter than UE3 with that graphics
  12. Lol u compare a browser game to a normal?
  13. Don't bet on this anyway,only if geodata of server suck and it doesn't kick u out..
  14. το dekarma στον DS ειναι πιο τραγικο απο αυτο που εκαναν σε εμενα
  15. Who cares,i play L2 and i don't look for exploits anyway,i was good at there,peaceful bug and QQ i was the only one doing that
  16. Ενα τετοιο pc με αυτα τα specs περιπου,ειχα βγαλει γυρω στο 400 ευρω
  17. MMORPGS coppy each other
  18. yes he is alphonse of gp forum,i saw them talking about this bug there
  19. He scammed adena via shop,and sented them in this account
  20. Seriously,hit ur head in wall and then come to post here thanks
  21. nah mang i iz good exploiter at L2mafia i had made AIO
  22. We know u fυck your ass
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