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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. check this database http://www.lineage2media.com/skills/human.html it's up to date skills then,which skill u haven't seen,it's yours you can check if it existed in pmfun,an IL database
  2. no that's the normal athebaldt,powered by enarxis.gr
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36287.0
  4. Hellbound Athebaldt used to rock,even with it's bugs
  5. Good one,perfect for a mid rate server thanks
  6. μονο τα geodata ειναι 2-3 gb..(ram)
  7. lol man buy from lain for just 2 euros?
  8. or websites or he is just making useless spam Used now in mxc btw,imo you should hide it for more,since it's like the only good working bug in here
  9. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?rofl mxc adena mxc donator mxc vip man for my account what items can u give me in ur server?
  10. It's impossible having all bugs/hacks fixed
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=188823.0;topicseen he has done the same topic in L2 General Disscusion GR also,it's lame,over 30 topics for this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=188940.msg1534391;topicseen#msg1534391 my reply there
  12. We waited 1 month for all requests for this(we have now) and 1 month till maxtor decide do u think that now,that can be done? anyway,imo put the last year's one,and just change numbers
  13. sorry but http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=158004.0 read the first 2 lines
  14. One of your developers I may be wrong and stay here,anyway let's end it here
  15. bet it will be junked soon :(
  16. Εrol did.More than 2 times There is a difference between troll and flame I could.I am not that kind of person. Sorry for english replies,but it's something concerning me in some way believe me we use it somehow else,in GR
  17. what's ur old name here
  18. 2GB ram 70 ατομα;Με 0.7 mbps upload? ειστε τρελοι;
  19. Παλιο,reposted αλλα ακομα δουλευει thanks που μας το θυμισες
  20. //clap clap
  21. me did first post @ 6k page and number 90.000 reply but who cares,that means nothing
  22. Γιατι πρεπει απαραιτητα να ειχε προηγουμενο account?
  23. yes it is,since it was fixed first time using karma privileges after demotion to VIP?;D
  24. Raule helping that way ur 'spam team' won't help
  25. big point,we do this on gr thread each 10k replies(or 1000 pages)
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