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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. test
  2. tommorow much snow expected here :P
  3. Το bug αυτο δεν βασιζεται στο phx και το phx,οπως το χρησιμοποιω εδω πιανει παντου
  4. http://i53.tinypic.com/1t7rb6.png or http://i52.tinypic.com/23kqgyt.png or suggest me one
  5. Smite him you are free to do it
  6. I am lucky i had this acc inactive for 5 months ;D i would be at 20
  7. Now,explain my that is all this i didn't get a shit
  8. In other forum ;D ur adena's are at MD's bank
  9. test signature when i want...no need to hurry
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186841.0;topicseen audor are blak
  11. Fix μεσα στο pack(floodprotectior,protection για phx) ενα καλο router linux
  12. now tell me what is pile,col,cry in L2 also i found same topics in RUssian so don't lie to me
  13. Thank you for translating russian sites,please add credits and tell us what this bug does
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189124.0;topicseen req dev help en http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189168.0;topicseen request exploits en
  15. what's server rep now? btw,do you really expect this live for more than 2 months?serious answer
  16. Υπαρχουν πολλοι καλυτεροι τροποι να προστατεψεις τον σερβερ σου απο αυτον
  17. 3999 let's stop here?;D
  18. Chronicle of server? also it's kind of difficult multiply items but we will try to find u if any english please.You are becoming worse than greek ppl
  19. Δεν υπαρχει τετοια περιπτωση
  20. Server may be balanced DarkStar you can't say anything till you really try it i just...don't like the fact that farm is kinda easy.Zergs pwnage ;D
  21. to tell you the truth,ucoz one is better
  22. will join it for sure! Luv the enchant rate no customs etc just,why 22 buff slots?
  23. someone should add it in main topic
  24. i have plenty of free time,i will may make an application
  25. In Olympiad outside?
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