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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. ! Attention: Geodata is not quite ready to be used !
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189166.0;topicseen Junk he has done a topic here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189167.0;topicseen
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189174.0;topicseen junk he has done a topic in GR http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189173.0;topicseen req dev help gr
  4. we didn't tell him it's bad it's good but better give credits also,with this translation still,we can't get a shit i only got some of magaki's one
  5. Και δεν παει στην hetnzer;50 eyrw 24/24 on,100mbps γραμμη με ενα παρα πολυ καλο pc lol
  6. no private bus?school bus?
  7. 24 αλλα lol τι λες..δεν γινεται host pc δικο σου και να μπαινουν απο το δικο μου ροφλ
  8. Ποσα δινεις ;
  9. 12cm?jeez i freeze at 0 walking for 1km until bus
  10. u have none of them T_T
  11. oh shit i can't even stand 273 K lol....;D
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189090.0;topicseen solved
  13. We don't have snow here many times like 5 days max in whole year imagine,till last week we were with summer clothes lol
  14. we know Seriously now,he opened a server with free botting?XAXAXAXAXAXA
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189170.0;topicseen No help in a free 'stolen' pack it's his choose to use a leeched pack
  16. What i would like on a server first of all, a good farm item,which will be retail mats(aa,and all others) with these,u can make up to S grade in special shop then,some new items,s grade,that give some other boosts from normal(not too much,like +1 or 2% evasion or pdef etc) so,people can farm,make new items which won't make them OP (these items by custom craft,recipe dropped by rb or rarely at farm zone) No lifestones,or custom skills by them Custom 2 SA weapons.Same stats,just 2 SA.Much farm for them,not too OP This farm,either same way with armors,or by a special pvp zone,where inside there are mobs,and each pvp is rewarded for like 10x mobs reward
  17. I would like to know russian too to translate ;D
  18. To free ή το private?
  19. Here they close for 5 cm of snow ;D kewl greece!
  20. didn't got it ;D
  21. Ι love snow too no fckin school
  22. no,it doesn't snow in place phoenix4 lives
  23. at monday we had snowflakes,not in size of egg,but 1/3 of it ;D we expect x2 tommorow
  24. You can download walker for interlude.No protections,u can login w/o any problem
  25. Reptant_

    Laptop i pc

    Δεν ισχυει αυτο που λες.Κομματια παντα βγενει πιο φθηνο + καλο τα laptop μπορουν να παιξουν παιχνιδια.Ενας φιλος μου παιζει freya και βαζει 3-4 γραμμες καθε φορα.Αλλα δεν αξιζει καλυτερα φτιαξε τον desktop και παρε ενα netbook πιο μετα
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