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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Βαζουν βαθμους στο νηπιαγωγειο;
  2. η ncsoft εχει ξεχασει το interlude το ιδιο και οι κορεατες μονο εδω τα ζωα που παιζουν σε private servers παιζουν σε IL
  3. Αυτοι που παιζουν interlude δεν προκειται να παιξουν στο expansion η πλειοψηφεια τουλαχιστον
  4. Εγω εγραψα 7 μαθηματικα κατ,10 γεωμετρια,20 δικαιο(Β ειμαι) 15 αρχαια 20 βιολογια 20 χημεια και τα αλλα δεν τα γραψαμε ακομα
  5. you me and wrd and it's over
  6. all the times i went true
  7. u saks too come in greece,i will give u for free some bougatsa
  8. Italy saks!
  9. not rly if u make a server with features i said above,i guarantee long long living
  10. *how the robe looks like on male mage ;D
  11. This guide is just amazing.First 50% ,ok ,are easy things but very good things after also,i didn't even knew about this program good job,+1 karma for this ;)
  12. Nice imagination outcome is nice,i can't judge further gj
  13. he told it BR Admin with no knowledge doesn't know even english corrupted end
  14. Just did a +24 in Lineage2.com
  15. solved http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189164.0;topicseen also do this
  16. με τιποτα http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/SVGA.htm?CHIPSET=nVidia&CHIPSET_TYPE=9400GT%20Cuda και ειναι 9400
  17. 50 ευρω κανει η nvidia9800 gt που εχει μεσα και κατι σαν cpu + 1 GB RAM
  18. I was sure he couldn't find any spammer,i reported anyone around ::)
  19. We are talking about an expansion here,not just new L2 Client watch videos a bit and read it all
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189193.0;topicseen req exploits greek
  21. both lamers u can even edit the list :D ^^
  22. not really check video better can 400 new armors,total new remake of classes,new pvp effects(like knockback) as freya?lol
  23. [τζιαρ]Ξεχασες την σακουλα αλλα δεν πειραζει thanks!μου αρεσει το font!
  24. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=188498.msg1533409;topicseen#new reshared
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