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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. No theme change->No Favicon change simple
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189381.0;topicseen#quickreply lock till junked(?)
  3. Οκ πιο απλα Οι κορεατικοι σερβερ ενω οι σερβερ αμερικης/ευρωπης ειναι μολις 2
  4. η λιστα κατω αριστερα http://lineage2.plaync.co.kr/ με google chrome θα καταλαβεις καλυτερα
  5. 24 is just ok imo,should a bit more,like 26 or 28 you still choose,and u get enough buffs example,with 22,on archer u can't get even basics(you are at 22 with nobless w/o any resist/evasion,not even think of dash/ue etc)
  6. τρανο παραδειγμα:Δες ποσους σερβερ εχει ο κορεατικος,και ποσους ο δυτικος(ncwest)
  7. tell me if works smoothly ;D
  8. Launcher you mean? http://rapidshare.com/files/437575845/LineageII.exe here is launcer here is l2.exe http://rapidshare.com/files/437576055/L2.exe
  9. Ειμαστε υποκριτες αυτο το βιντεο σιγουρα θα μου μεινει αξεχαστο
  10. fu with the animation thing,i thought it had problem with my eyes!
  11. Tip put a great font a christmass tree in right and right 80k members in one side,and near it The best MMORPG forum
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=188560.0 welcome
  13. i will gtfo,but give me a rule about this
  14. i don't know too,good fonts dl and try and that program is Photoshop
  15. Not really increase pdef/mdef and decrease hp it's bad only for warlords oh yeah we solved one more bad thing!!
  16. looks to empty for me and a S is missing ;d
  17. font is not looking too good(atleast for me) 80k members is empty(put best MMORPG community/forum or something like that) and right hand of snowman is on RS
  18. someone posted 3 pages one time Erol cleaned them as L2moderator,he did another 1,5 till banned ;D
  19. http://www.myplaisio.gr/news/youtube-top-10-videos-2010
  20. you can't access old files also,if u gonna make a guide use imageshack many advantages
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189371.0;topicseen req bot en
  22. after this warn by erol here
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