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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=184939.0 he asked for feedback we told him now,he advertises his server lock it
  2. Πες οτι σου αρεσε επειδη ηταν ο μονος σερβερ που φτιαχτηκες ετσι τεσπα,mxc private server section,εχει μπολικους σαν αυτον που θες
  3. Γιατι ο mxc τι ηταν;λολ
  4. Cause greeks know some english.At least,basic knowledge i bet they don't lD
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189401.0;topicseen req dev help en
  6. Just something see the current one ;) Imo,the best one is AdroniX's one.Like previous time but ,also,like last time,he fcked up with text
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189359.15 author req http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189438.0;topicseen#quickreply serdivor br awea lock it
  8. Awesome in them,just put all 3 messages(best forum/80k/merry chr) and slow it a bit
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189442.msg1542059;topicseen#new general marketplace
  10. except scammer,you are terribly stupid also....even w/o proofs , we can understand your guiltiness by your actions/posts
  11. more than 6 people scammed I am sure,it isn't diffcult to understand what's goin on here
  12. Αχ θυμαμαι που ημουν guest και ηθελα να το δω...νομιζα ηταν κατι καλο Αγαπητε αντωνη,αυτο δεν δουλευει ουτε σε homehosted L2jteon 10xronoy
  13. in every IL server
  14. he was first scamming adena Here and now he is selling scammed adena Here Just lame.And noone did anything till now his stance,and scammed users show the whole situation.Also,his lame action to open a thread with WTS after scamming them for me,he is absolutely scammer,with no excuse hope other guys have proofs too i mean this guy http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=27246
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=70000.0 a bit old
  16. in the end no dwarfs don't have so many new skills in new chronicles.At least good,as the other classes have or i am wrong at this
  17. ε υπαρχουν αλλοι ποσοι αυτον τον μηνα top mid fail interlude off server ειναι ο rebound περιμενε τον επομενο μηνα
  18. you overestimate some things. Ok,dwarfs will have rushes and? dwarfs are totally useless in pvp now at least,you may see them if a dwarf is farming now,and someone flags at him,he can't even damage enemy's cp at least now,he can do something in pvps,as always u will see the nuker classes lol
  19. that's not racism i would say the same,as greek myself
  20. Υπαρχουν δεκαδες τετοιο σερβερ μπες L2Rebound
  21. so,if i got it phx right? we put items in warehouse then we run script,or run script before putting depositing items?
  22. Undigs: from july 2009 from april 2010 from july 2009 Spam posts
  23. ah yhn auto refresher works well?xd
  24. ?
  25. Υπαρχει διαφορα απο το hero aura στο sethero sethero θα εχει ολα τα hero skills δεν αξιζει αν το καλασκεφτεις xd
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