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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190488.0;topicseen l2j dev help gr and warn user,3rd time topic in wrong section
  2. change ur quote anyway,he is just crying,cause archers don't deal 3k at +10 armors w/o any epic/boq
  3. Click a button put a button down there
  4. What are the clothes doing there?
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190481.0;topicseen req private servers + gr tags + kill fuma
  6. After xp is k make adventurer
  7. They are fixing some things in 10 min it will be up
  8. now ,noone can login wait a bit
  9. L2Dubai made something bad.There was no nerf at augment skills,or atleast that much
  10. Why did u tell it?
  11. Marry Christmas gys!
  12. what login and tell me
  13. Start L2-Certus and pm Claw inside
  14. WEOGJACPOME Welcome
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190361.msg1557769;topicseen#new author req
  16. You failed with enchant rate,lol safe=+10 for 1 day,who made it will keep it?
  17. i can't do anything about this xd
  18. hb
  19. 1 hours before this post None 60 euro Can't know
  20. You are funny , sir Not rly useless...2 other guys had this problem too and maybe more,just wanted to confirm it
  21. Everyone can understand ALL these,lol
  22. I stole my bro's income of carols.Can i say what he did?
  23. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187845.0 servidor closed
  24. Μην κακολογειτε ρε το share ειναι στο 97,5% ακομα
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