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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Was doctor or poor man IN the hotel while event was taking place?
  2. Παραδεξου το.Φαντασου,δεν εχεις φαει ουτε ενα dekarma
  3. Did doctor's hand had something special?
  4. Didn't search 12 pages,if already mentioned delete this Did all these people in hotel,waiting to see this cut hand,that belonged to doctor?
  5. i wrote it yesterday jesus
  6. You don't have much ram also,where is deticated lol
  7. so?
  8. Αλλο Vanes αλλο AnimaAequatatis ειναι σαν να μιλας σε δυο διαφορετικα ατομα
  9. Ι have 2:1 ratio at karma.2 karma 1 dekarma so,you should give me 1
  10. You dekarmed me once,not second else i will report you
  11. i was going to give u karma
  12. 3days now it can't stay there
  13. Κανε ενα format και βαλε windows7 meng ή κανε επαναφορα,αν δεν λυθει και ετσι,καλυτερη λυση το φορματ γιατι αλλιως θα εχεις αλλα προβληματα μετα
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190057.0 junk ;)
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=81230;sa=showPosts plus http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=9.0
  16. go watch 300 or RED 2nd/3rd time it isn't a dekarma ;d
  17. He has much money.Also,if you know gm well,he gives u items x4 from normal,and you sell them in someone and u make money
  18. why u care...anyway my point is something other He is trying to sell something ,in a topic.And someone says he is untrusted,w/o proofs who wanna buy it,may see it and don't do it.If u get what i mean You don't get what's the purpose of dekarma/'punish' not this pixel,but something to make u not do it again
  19. Meng,i usually agree with you,but now now it isn't nice having someone saying you are un-trusted without proofs,in a sell topic
  20. Not rly.One guy from my village(30 years old) is playing AION retail,and donated in L2mafia 600 euro for items worthing 1600+,just to have some fun then,he sold this char for same amount of money L2Mafia is good if u wanna have some fun,if u have some money don't underestimate it so much Proofs
  21. Yes.Learn skills of each char,buy items,pwn enemys,destroy their towers , and in the end destroy Nexus(big tower in the end) to win i will explain u later
  22. fckn Greeklish Καλά Χριστούγεννα not Kala Xristougenna
  23. Ποιος σας λεει οτι ενα torrent ειναι απαραιτητα warez..
  24. in a few minutes
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