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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. I am doing this with Q and W lol!
  2. Weird stop reading ~ЙøЙãmє™~ mind,lol
  3. why u care did u find any preconf pack in mxc?
  4. Yes we can delete guide(YES) or tell a l2mod to fix them,with help of someone(^^)
  5. Focus is the best choice imo,if working well
  6. Δεν το εκανα ακομα.Ξεχαστηκα σημερα παντως θα το κανω pics,ειναι παρμενες απο pmfun/l2rochand
  7. You never know about focus,paradox had a few fails ;)
  8. Οχι γιατι μου την σπαει η sign σου
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190906.0;topicseen i guess it's ok at General Disscusion English
  10. Lame as hell Believe me,this can't happen.Server won't have 500 ppl even at start,and sure no more than 100 after 3 months
  11. To high five δεν ειναι κατι σημαντικο,ειναι απλα νεα skills Για το goddess of destruction,δες το ΑΙΟ στο general greek
  12. come on 12yo boy , point them
  13. i told them in first pages...and there are many maybe i will translate my guide for adve one day for this
  14. Τhank you.Btw updated with new armor/weapons for freya
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190830.0;topicseen We do not allow people to post threads or to send private messages or emails to users here that advertise or solicit any products, services,websites,forums, funds or donations. Explicit advertising and solicitating in signatures is also prohibited
  16. ε τα βασικα,λες και θα ξερει πoια ειναι τα low c και ποια τα high
  17. for 3rd one,that's what u ask lol
  18. About grand khavatari Haste Celestial and Focus (if working properly,if not UD) Hellknight UD CELE Haste or Crit dmg reduction
  19. Upgrade at pc Clothes
  20. Αν πας με τετοια λογικη και γνωσεις να ανοιξεις l2off server,χαθηκες
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187393.0 Jank
  22. wts REALLY,i have never seen a duelist with light.At least ,very very rare You should use light at duelist only when pvping with a mage
  23. lol interlude low rate is just lame anyway,did u find any member?old or new?
  24. Φυσικα και ναι,υπαρχει το high five με πολλα νεα skills και το expansion(To GOD) που αλλαζουν σχεδον ολα
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