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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. There is IE there MUCH MUCH time now. When i downloaded it,it had 1,4kk at 32bit Give me a link ,anyway
  2. has some cool points,but never gonna use IE again
  3. 1,5 year? in this while,there was L2-Renewal OPEN and L2-Survival reborned(by Sawk) lol
  4. There are 3 Pailaka quests Level 36-42: Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire Level 61-67: Pailaka - Devil's Legacy Level 73-77: Pailaka - Injured Dragon In this quest,we are gonna talk about the 3rd one Players more than 77 level cannot do this quest It's not a hard quest,anyway It's rewards are: -Pailaka Shirt (A grade, pdef 28, +40 MP) -28mEXP -2.850.000 SP -Full Vitality Replenish Tt starts outside Goddard, from the Ketra Orc Shaman right outside town. You must talk to him in order to get access to the instance. It doesn't affect your alliance with the Varkas Silenos or Ketra Orcs in any way, so go in with no worries. The Ketra Orc Supporter will be right next to you as you are ported inside the Pailaka Instance. He will explain a bit more about the problem, and will give you a Spear. So first, let's talk about the Spear, before we go to the rest of the guide. It's a Polearm, which means it will hit multiple mobs. It has good Patk/matk and it can be a valid weapon to use. You don't NEED to use the Spear in order to complete the quest. I completed it with my SoM with no problems. However... The most interesting thing about the Spear, though, isn't exactly its patk or matk, but the skills that come with it: The Critical UP skill will act as a sonic charge or force charge that is common for Gladiators and Tyrants, for example. Except that it will raise the level of Critical (up to lvl 7) with every critical hit you give mobs. That buff lasts an hour and it's necessary in order to use the skill on the Spear, called Obliteration Storm, which is a ranged AoE skill that is very powerful and can be VERY useful later on. I'll get to it in a bit. So first of all, I'll indicate on this map the fastest route to the dragon. Simply because you have a time limit on this instance, and if you start exploring too much, you might not be able to finish. You don't have to clear all mobs in the map to actually finish the quest successfully, so if you take the route shown on the map below, you can get to the dragon in a faster way: The dragon is at the left part of the red line. But before you can actually GET to the dragon, there are a few things you must do first. Upon first entering the Varka Silenos Outpost, you will find some Antelopes. I highly suggest you kill ALL of them, since they drop Quick Healing Potions and Instant Shields that will be very, very useful later on. Now on to the mobs you will find there. Throughout the instance, you will find "barriers" of Varka Silenos mobs, blocking your way through. There's no way to pass through them without killing them, as the instance will send you back to face them if you try to just pass them without killing them. So, there's no choice here. You HAVE to kill them. They will generally present themselves in a line, one next to the other. This is the first group you will find: Now, since all the groups are going to be pretty much the same way, just increasing in difficulty, I'll talk about strategies to kill them now. They are ALL nuker mobs, and their nuke is the same as the Flash of Splendors in Valley Of Saints (I simply cannot recall the name of that particular nuke). The good thing is that they don't move, so you can run away from them far away enough and they won't chase you, in case you need to run for your life. But they're social, meaning that if you attack the first one, all the others will start nuking you as well. Oh, and to make things more interesting, once you start killing the Silenos, a group of Mages with a high magical crit rate might spawn behind them as well, to join the fun! See the difficulty? Yes, well, that's when I'll give you tips on how to proceed. Remember when I mentioned the Spear at the beginning of the guide? Well, if you're a melee character, I strongly suggest you use it, even if your own weapon is a better one than the spear. I'll explain why (Thanks Althar for the melee tips, by the way): - The spear is a Polearm, which means you will hit more than one mob at a time. But that's not even the best part of this weapon. The critical up will greatly enhance your attack speed and the Obliteration Storm skill is a 900 range skill that will often one-shot the Mage groups that might spawn behind the Silenos. You WILL want to deal with them, as they will nuke you and they can very easily magic crit you, and the only way of getting rid of them is by either killing THEM or killing the Silenos on the front. If you try to melee them, you have the risk of being teleported to the front as you might go beyond the "limit". So using the Obliteration Storm skill will often one-shot most if not all of those mages (depending on how many of them spawn). It will also do damage to the mobs on the front, and some will get stunned, although they do not get one-shot, so it's a worth tool to use. I'll explain how the Obliteration Storm skill works now. First, you need to use the Critical Up skill that comes with the Spear. With every critical hit, it'll add one force to the skill, and that force lasts an hour. Each Obliteration Storm skill uses 3 Critical Ups. So a suggestion given to me as well was to hit one of the Ketra Orc NPC's to build up your critical up power before you face the Silenos (thanks Isane for this tip). So that's why I suggest using the Spear if you're a melee, even though the quest itself doesn't require it. Now for nuker/healers/support, things get a little more tricky. I was able to go through the sets of mobs by silencing them one by one (and anchoring when necessary). I also had the help of my summon, being a Necromancer, but not all the nukers/healers have the access to silence or a pet such as Great Wolf to help taking damage. So my suggestions would be: - If you have silence, USE IT. Do not worry about the mana management, you do get mana and HP pots with the kills, so you can easily go back to full. Or you can simply rest for mana. - If you don't have silence, what you can do is a "hit and run" technique. Nuke once, run back until you're safe from their nuking range, then step in, nuke again, and so on. It might take you longer, but it's surely safer. Oh, and don't forget to use those Quick Healing potions and Instant Shields you got from Antelopes. Or you can also take advantage of the Obliteration Skill. Equip the Spear, cast the Critical Up buff and hit the Ketra NPC until you have enough charges. Then use the Obliteration Storm skill to kill the Silenos. Those hints are what I could come up with after two attempts of completing it. If you have any others, send us an email and I'll be glad to insert your ideas in this guide. Anyway... now that the hints are covered, I'll show you where you'll find more of those group mobs. They will give you the scrolls that will allow you to enhance the Spear to give it more Patk/matk, and they are found all throughout the map. But, since we're covering the fastest route to the dragon, I will only show you the locations of the groups you will find on that route. Remember that there's a chance they will spawn the Nuking priests/mages behind the first row, so be very, very careful. The second group of mobs can be found here: Past the second group, you will find a Ketra Orc Intelligence Officer. He will be the NPC that will enhance your Spear if you got a scroll, and he will also provide you with 5 buffs of your choice, to pick from a list of buffs as shown on the screenie: The third group of mobs can be found here: The fourth (and last if you take this route) here: Before we go to the dragon, I want to comment on another thing. If you need more healing pots and instant potions, there are two more places where you can find. One is at the location on the map below, from a mob called Grazing Flava: And not far from there, you can find Elder Grazing Antelopes as well, that will drop you the Quick Healing Potions and Instant Shields, but unfortunately I couldn't get a screenie of those. But in any case, if you ever run out of those pots, you know there are other mobs you can kill to get them. Beware, all those mobs are aggro, although they're very easy to kill. Anyway, back to our normal route and the dragon. Once you get past the fourth Silenos group, you can find Latana not too far from there. When you first attack it, the game will show you a very neat cutscene (I've never seen cutscenes in L2 before this quest, and I have to say I LOVE the addition), but don't get lost in watching the cutscene, as the dragon will start attacking you as soon as it's over. Now for the strategies to kill the dragon: First of all, it nukes, and it has a fire-breath attack that is NOT a nuke, and it hits hard OVERALL. So it will be a good idea to use all those Quick Healing Potions and Instant Shields. It doesn't move. So if you ever get into trouble, just run as far away from its range as you can. And have I mentioned to use the Quick Healing Potions? Yeah. Pay attention to the mob's behavior. Whenever it stands on its two back legs, it's preparing the very powerful fire breath attack, so it would be a good idea to use those Instant Shields right as it's putting its paws on the ground and RUN until it's done with that spell. The main nukes don't hit that hard unless they crit, but the fire-breath attack got through 9k of my Reanimated Man's HP in 3 hits. Silence will work with the Flame nukes, but it won't work with the fire-breath attack as it's not magical. For melees, here I suggest equipping your normal weapon if it's better than the spear, since you can't use the AoE nuke on the dragon. For Nukers, hit and run. Unless you have some sort of paralyze such as Anchor, nuke it, when you notice it's about to launch the fire breath attack, run and use all those quick healing potions and Instant Shield as you can. For healers, go into Inquisitor, unless you have a pet such as a Great Wolf, and even though, if your Great Wolf gets caught into one of the fire breath spells, it might die pretty quickly. Once you kill Latana, another cutscene will show up and the Ketra Orc Supporter will spawn. You will need to return the spear in order to collect your reward. The rewards are 28m EXP (yes, that much. At lvl 73, it gave me roughly 31%), 2.850.000 SP and a Pailaka Shirt. You are also rewarded Vitality points. For me, it recharged me to full vitality and I entered at completely 0 vitality. So I suggest doing this quest when you're bottomed up in vitality, so at least you also get a free recharge. And pailaka quest is finished,and now your vitality is full :) All credits to this guide go to : ValerieRose for making it and Finito for bringing it at MaxCheaters.com Other 2 pailaka guides can be found here( 36-42) and here(61-67)
  5. http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/RAM/Corsair-Dominator-GT-4G-DDR3-2133-Kit-2x2GB-PC3-17064-9-10-9-27-CMT4GX3M2A2133C9.htm 2133 MHz RAM
  6. It's the perfect place to XP @ a LR Elven Elder + turn undead
  7. http://asot.crossmediaventures.com/radio.aspx?live=true&liveID=159 (Y)
  8. What is Pagan's Temple? Pagan's Temple is a level 76-80+ aggressive hunting area under Rune Castle Town. It is not visible on your map. Many of the mobs there are undead, but some are not. How do I enter the temple? To find the entrance, run from Rune Castle Town towards the lower level guild of Rune. Just before the downhill ramp into the guild you will see two uphill ramps on either side of you which take you to the upper area of Rune, which contains the clan halls. The entrance to Pagan Temple is at the top of the ramp on the right behind Priest Flauron. hint: This is the same place where Quest 2 ended. Do not enter Pagan's Temple with a party larger than 5. Parties of 6 or more, even if some players are not inside the temple, risk losing a member to random teleport. The exception to this rule is inside the darkness rooms, where a full party of 9 is allowed. Once inside the temple, you need Anteroom Keys to open Anteroom Doors. These keys will sometimes fail. For dagger classes, the keys do not work while in Silent Move. What should I do before entering? Be level 73+, and have the Visitor's Mark(see quest's below) in your inventory. For best results, complete the following two prerequisite quests prior to entering: Truth Beyond the Gate Quest 1 starts at Priest Eliyah, inside the lower level mystic guild in Rune Castle Town. This is an easy errand quest. All you have to do is visit Priest Eliyah, then Priest Flauron. This quest produces a Visitor's Mark, which permits you to enter the Pagan Temple, but not the Chapel. Through the Gate Once More Quest 2 begins at the same NPC where quest 1 ended. Priest Flauron tells you to kill necromancers in Forest of the Dead, until you have 10 hearts. After that, go back to Flauron and he will give you the Pagan`s Mark and 10 Anteroom Keys. The keys are needed to enter the Chapel. If your character is under level 73, or you have not completed the quest(s), you may still be summoned in, or take your chances at the entry point with two otherwise dormant NPCs at the mirror (entry point) which will aggro you and they hit very hard. So, you'll just have to quickly enter, via the mirror. Most likely, you'll be near death if you survive. Another option for those who don't meet the quest and level requirements, is to have the most robust and well buffed member of your party aggro the mobs while the other members click the mirror to enter. Celestial shield also works to sneak someone in through the mirror. What should I expect immediately upon entering the temple? Once you open the initial door to the temple, after entering the mirror, there is a square room with a fence around a statue in the middle, and four undead zombie mobs, 1 in each corner. You will need to kill a zombie or two to get an Anteroom key, if you don't already have one. They are neither aggro nor social in this room. There are 8 doors to choose from off of that first room, each one leads into the Anterooms What are the Anterooms? The Anterooms are a series of rectangular rooms. The first is full of undead with one Triol in the middle. The Triol is not undead. The second room has 3 Triols in among the undead. The spawn rate is very fast, but otherwise normal. A good strategy is to have a tank to draw aggro, while a Bishop uses turn undead. Use an EE or SE to recharges the bishop, and to heal the tank and damage dealers. 1 or 2 damage dealers should focus on the Triols, and landing the last hit on any "turned" undead mobs with 1 HP. If you only have 1 damage dealer, then stick to the first Anteroom. Otherwise, with more damage dealers, move to the next room with 3 Triols. You'll be most effective if the Bishop is not healing, but instead using mana to kill. A grade melee classes will not be able to clear the room as fast as a Bishop or EE using turn undead. Be careful, because the Anterooms are all aggro, and if you pull the Triol in the center, you'll have the whole room on you. They will drain you to death, and won't let you pull and pole them in a corner. What are the Chapel rooms? Chapel Rooms are full of undead, plus a Triol priest with 2 Triol Believers. If the Triol priest is not killed, then the belivers will not respawn once they are killed. Bishops/EE can solo in these rooms by staying clear of the priest and using peace if he does aggro. If you kill the priest, the entire room respawns, and there is a chance that the adjacent room will aggro into your Chapel room. Do not kill the priest unless you can handle 2 full rooms at a time. What are the Darkness Rooms? To get into the Darkness room, you need a key, which drops from the Triol's Priest in the chapel room. There is a room which causes environmental bleed damage, when you run through it. Inside, there are a lot more of the non-undead mobs to kill. The XP is superior to the Anterooms and Chapel rooms. How do we survive in Pagan's Temple? Mobs inside are generally aggressive, and clumped together. Some cast fire spells, Death Spike, and Curse Death Link, which inflicts increasing damage as the casting mob's HP decreases. At least 2 dedicated healers are needed in each party of 5. Expect to be hit by Poison, Root, AOE Bleed, Surrender to Darkness, and Vampiric Claw which drains your HP, and regenerates the mob, occasionally landing critical damage. Holy Weapon and Resistance to Fire buffs are essential. Lure skills like those of the Plainswalker and Kamael help to draw the mobs out individually. How do we kill mobs in Pagan's Temple? Undead mobs inside have 4x health points and resistance to Dark Magic. For this reason, it is fundamental to bring Elven Elders and/or Bishops. The EE and Bishop may use Turn Undead on the mobs until a lethal strike lands. Once a lethal strike has landed, the undead target's HP will fall to 1. Another team member can finish them off. AOE damage attacks are typically ineffective in the Anterooms and Chapel Rooms. Are there any other class specific advantages in strategy? The Spectral Dancer's Dance of Shadow bestows the ability to be protected from monsters' preemptive attacks, and this option would be helpful. The Paladin and Temple Knight have the advantage versus the undead such as Holy Armor, Holy Aura, and Holy Blade. Why is Pagan's Temple worth the risk? Pagan's Temple is considered one of the best places in the game for XP, and the drops include: Level 76 Lifestones Triol's Believer, an aggro level 78 mob spoils Arcana Mace Heads at a rate of 1/8. Also spoils Heaven's Divider edge, Demon Splinter blades, Forgotten Blade Edges, Recipe for S grade arrows, NM boot linings, Majestic boot linings, Adamantite Nuggets, Mold Lubricant, and S grade Enchant Armors! Other mobs there spoil: Draconic Bow Shaft, Sealed MA boots design, Sealed MA circlet Pattern, Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design, Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern, Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part, Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part, Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design, Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric, Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern, Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Fabric, Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part, Draconic Bow Shaft, Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design, Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern, Metal Hardener, Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot S, Sealed Shield Of Nightmare Fragment, Metallic Thread,Basalt Battlehammer Head, Forgotten Blade Edge, Imperial Staff Head, Crafted Leather, Mold Glue, Angel Slayer Blade, Dragon Hunter Axe Blade, Saint Spear Blade, Sealed Tateossian Earring Part, Sealed Tateossian Necklace Chain, Sealed Tateossian Ring Gem. Supplemental quests within Pagan's Temple: The Seekers of the Holy Grail quest begins at High Priest Incentin at the Mystic Guild of Einhasad Temple in Rune. For obtaining 2000 Pagan Totem's, the random reward consist of EWS, EAS, or 3,576,000 adena. Credits: go to Homechicken ,who did this awesome guide for Lineage2.com ,and Finito for bringing it at MaxCheaters.com
  9. ofc,and will work everywhere all servers are using the same pack,so
  10. Δεν βαριεσαι,θα ανοιγουν μονο για παιχνιδια,οποτε :)
  11. Θα πρεπει να αγοραζεις παιχνιδια ομως...και να πληρωσεις και ποσα για μια κονσολα dualboot,no problem
  12. Καλυτερα αγορασε 4 gamepads ;)
  13. Ισως αποτι ξερω ομως στο PS3 περισσοτερα παιχνιδια παιζουν καλυτερα,σαν αποκλειστικοτητες απο την αλλη ειναι +100 ευρω http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190722.0
  14. Τalking about guys that browse Facebook? 90% of them have absolutely no clue
  15. Xbox τοτε..αν τα τσιγκουνευεσαι ;)
  16. Τα ιδια ειναι απλα καποια παιχνιδια παιζουν καλυτερα PS3 αλλα XBOX 360 αλλα και παλι PS3
  17. don't forget about solo pvps too You with 2 friends(ex) go vs 3 archers,stunning you like hell will you wear DC? Every armor is chosen under different circumstances
  18. Have you ever played in a server like that? You almost break the screen by fckin stuns !!
  19. Go and play in IL mid rate server you will get ass-raped by warlord stuns + dc's low pdef
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