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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. like world didn't have other disasters..
  2. Θα το κανω στο αγγλικο section με περισσοτερες λεπτομεριες,συντομα
  3. earth was kinda moved too,about 1.4sec
  4. right,haha
  5. What's worse? Living in a VERY good way for much time and getting like this or Living in a BAD way and continue living this way?
  6. lucky boy compare urself to Japanese people :P
  7. serious business
  8. It's not that easy,it requires some extra knowledge as well.Search net to find some info ;) I am sorry,but i can't help you more,since i don't have this 'knowledge' For start,buy a hetzner PC,and just blacklist ur IP @extremebooter/advanace booter(most attacks to java servers come from there ;P )
  9. 6GB +32bit Ωραιος! + χρειαζεσαι quad core για να τρεξει καλα, + απο σπιτι σου,ΔΕΝ
  10. Good job Raulito . . .
  11. Shell booters can be avoided,anyway(99% of ddos @ L2j servers are made by them) But don't care for protection from now,just buy a hetzner machine ;) with Windows 2008 or 7(like Intrepid said you)
  12. 2 booters 8)
  13. xd
  14. Ειδα 2 σκοπιανους στο forum ;) btw,report karma abuse >_>
  15. Useless + ισως υπαρξει drama ;)
  17. this video is bullSHIT,anyway
  18. εβαλαν bieber τωρα
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