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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Leluche αλλαξε χδ
  2. Erol L2Mod Leluche(οχι Lelouch) Βγαλε το TM απο Justice Βγαλε Erol απο legendary
  3. ED http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=103135.0 + φτιαξε λιγο το promo/demo(τα dates)
  4. Your name means : Oil Pollution Act and America hard lol'ed anyway,welcome
  5. Too much complex vs ventic,isn't it? Multi-acc is meant by : You can't have 2 login accounts. Everyone( ? ) can have a second account here,after his ban About the second,no point It's up to whoever banned Ventic ban him again...
  6. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=80722.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=43540.0
  7. α οκ τοτε εγω νομιζα κανα πουτσοπτυχιο σαν αυτα που υπαρχουν τωρα..που ο καθε αναπηρος περναει
  8. Πιο πτυχιο ομως , σε ρωταω
  9. Ετσι σκατα που τα εχουν κανει.. πιο δοκιμαστικο;
  10. Don't damn bump your topic here,or i will dekarma you Thanks What about this?
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203795.0;topicseen Offtopic lol,we were PMing him about 1 week to do his topics there,and he stuck in there T_T http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203725.0;topicseen req client mods help + gr tags
  12. xfinito10 αλλα μην κανεις κληση
  13. 2nd of april
  14. Akali Akali is no longer a ninja Alistar Pulverize now slams enemies into the ground instead of into the air Headbutt has been changed to Rocket Grab Alistar is now a ninja Amumu Amumu is now happy Emumu skin has been replaced with Punkmumu Annie Annie has grown up and is now a teenager Tibbers now wears armor Blitzcrank Blitzcrank now giggles whenever he uses Power Fist Cassiopeia Cassiopeia has been removed from the League following an incident involving a plane We’re tired of all the Miss Fortuning snakes, on that Miss Fortuning plane Cho’Gath Cho’Gath now starts the game the same size as if he had 6 feasts Feast still increases Cho’Gath’s size Bushes can no longer stealth Cho’Gath Corki Valkyrie is now global Gatling Gun now heals teammates as well as damaging enemies Corki can now fly over obstacles without using Valkyrie Dr. Mundo Dr. Mundo decided that he enjoys the color blue Dr. Mundo now has mana None of his ability costs have changed Fiddlesticks Crowstorm now triggers Terrify on all enemies caught in the area of effect Terrify’s Fear duration has been increased to 10 seconds at all ranks Fiddlesticks has been removed from the League Galio Now shouts “DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” while channeling Idol of Durand Gangplank Gangplank’s model has been replaced with a targeting reticle Gangplank now fights from his boat Parrrley is now global His VO has been reworked to be shouted from a distance and includes far more laughter Gragas Gragas is now sober Garen Courage has been removed and replaced with a new ability New Ability – Plant Grass Garen infects an area with grass seeds, causing additional brush to grow over the next 30 seconds. When brush is fully grown, it can be used by allies and enemies Jax Jax can no longer dodge Jax’s lamppost has been deemed overpowered and replaced by a rocket launcher All of Jax’s abilities are now ranged and blow things up Jax can now dodge again Nidalee Age reduced by 10 years Aspect of the Cougar has been renamed to Aspect of the Puma Pantheon Grand Skyfall has been renamed to the more appropriate: “Man Drop” Sion Sion has taken a sabbatical from the League to pursue a lifelong dream of teaching Kindergarten He’ll be back Sivir Ricochet bounces now apply on-hit effects such as Tiamat and Madred’s Bloodrazor Sona Now requires skill to play Teemo Cuteness increased by 10% Teemo may no longer be the target of hostile attacks or abilities Tryndamere Undying Rage has been renamed to Endless Rage Endless Rage now has infinite duration Zilean Zilean can now travel back in time creating new realities and tangent universes in the process Something has gone terribly wrong Items: New Item: Yordle Saddle. Any yordle champion can buy this new item to ride Cho'Gath. Wriggle's Lantern: new unique passive: taunts nearby Jaxes (both enemy and allied) Tiamat has been renamed to Tamat
  15. Οταν ελεγα στον Μaxtor να αλλαξει αυτο το : 'Other MMORPG's στο Category,δεν το εκανε ^^
  16. Αν θελεις τιποτα αλλο,PM με να το ξεκλειδώσω
  17. Locked then
  18. What's the point of this thread anyway?
  19. ε αφου μπει και τον προειδοποιησεις ::) εγω αλλαξα χωρα για να μην παιρνω ΠΜ τα κολοζωα βλεπουν οτι δεν ειμαι ελληνας και δεν στελνουν
  20. Να πεις στον ΕΔ να ασκησει
  21. Πρεπει να παρεις privs LOL section
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