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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. I dekarmed him for spamming
  2. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186927.0 ::)
  3. What do u mean
  4. 3 days
  5. 1st april's joke
  6. Ιf you need anything more,PM me to unlock or reply here
  7. Κανουμε;
  8. αυριο ξανα ban
  9. Υπαρχει ακομα αυτο το topic?
  10. Δεν παιρνει,αλλα που ειναι το δυσκολο
  11. Ασπρο(καθολου δηλαδη)
  12. Don't start with this :D
  13. Can be useful only if your server dies from ddosing ;)
  14. Make a mage subclass(necro sps sorcer or w/e) Open the symbol maker's dyes window Change subclass(w/o closing symbol maker's window) Go back to NPC and draw the dyes
  15. Θα ηταν καλυτερα να αλλαζεις χρωμα,το μαυρο κουραζει
  16. Warez / Warez requests aren't allowed here If someone wants to help you,he can send you a PM Locked.
  17. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=201588.msg0#new dev help en
  18. You are funny not.
  19. You born to be cyprus
  20. Εισαι μουσικος;
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