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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Corrupted admin ::)
  2. ed-> Unban MG?
  3. Ο Ολυμπιακος θα κανει triple crown,με τον παιχταρα στον Σπανουλη ^^
  4. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203645.msg1726693#new L2 request general help
  5. So hard to go yourself and try putting ls at a cloak? . . . Though,i am almost sure that you can't augment an armor
  6. Only Maxtor can give it back ,PM him with proofs that this account is yours We can't do anything,anyway
  7. lol anyway
  8. This is what i 've told you to from from start ::) btw,this is what i did older with l2w and l2phx,when i was getting damn dc's open msconfig,and delete almost everything from startup programs(maybe harmful) when windows rr,you will prolly see a problem select 'run with previous working settings' and windows will start,normally :) though,i am repeating,it may be harmful
  9. test & gn
  10. I Just hate this point >_> You think rok has the best protection The best botting protection The perfect server Don't believe whatever they say to you,lol
  11. Reptant_


    It was my bad posting a new video on a topic -_- Use official thread (http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=41127.0 ) or YouTube thread(w/e this is related to)
  12. Dunno,εγω απλα το κατεβασα για feedback,ουτε καν DC δεν εφαγα την 1η φορα..
  13. Maybe to some people more,as well I can't get why u have problem,lol :) One donator(10 euro) sees it, and then even all his clan may have it ;)
  14. Φημες λενε οτι τον επισκεφτηκε ο Σισσε πριν τα ματς με τον Ολυμπιακο ^^
  15. Παναθηναικος-Μπαρτσελονα
  16. Νικαει με 3
  17. Σκεψου και τι εγινε στο 1ο ματς 8)
  18. Βηματα δεν
  19. i didn't delete anything,changed the system tilemachos gave to 'System1' inside the rar,and copied it I still even have L2Giants system xd
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